Commissie keurt Tsjechische ovverheidssteun aan buschauffeurs in Zuidelijk Moravië goed (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 26 november 2008.

The European Commission recognised today that compensations granted to Southern-Moravian bus operators in the Czech Republic are State aid measures. The measures have been found compatible with the common market.

Between 2003 and 2005, the Czech authorities were granting, on the basis of contracts, compensations to bus carriers in Southern Moravia for providing public transport services.

The Commission has assessed that the contracts were not concluded with operators selected in open public tender. Therefore, it cannot be excluded that remunerations for transport operators foreseen in the contracts entail State aid in the meaning of Art. 87(1) of the Treaty.

However, since the payments only covered losses, the Commission concluded that there was no overcompensation and the measures comply with Art. 73 of the Treaty.