Eurocommissaris Rehn (uitbreiding) over de economische uitdaging en andere hervormingen in westelijke Balkan en Turkije (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 5 november 2008.

Although the financial crisis has had a limited effect so far on the candidate countries and the Western Balkans' economies, these countries are beginning to be affected by slow growth and high unemployment, said Olli Rehn i, the EU Commissioner for Enlargement, as he presented the annual strategy paper for the EU’s enlargement policy to the Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday.

According to the Commissioner, the EU's Stabilisation and Association Agreements i (SAAs) for the countries of the Western Balkans and the Central European Free Trade Agreement may act as an anchor in these difficult times.


Based on the progress made by Croatia, it should be possible to reach the final stage of the accession negotiations by the end of 2009, provided that the country fulfils all the necessary conditions. The conditional roadmap aimed at giving further rigour in the preparations in Croatia "is an encouragement, but not a blank check," said the Commissioner.

The two recent murders on Zagreb's streets have underlined the challenges facing the country in the fight against corruption and organised crime. The restructuring of the shipyards also remains an important condition, according to the Commissioner.

Hannes Swoboda (PES, AT), EP Rapporteur on Croatia, backed the Commissioner's tough line on the fight against organised crime and said that strong action against crime should be taken by the local Croatian authorities.


Giving the limited progress made by Turkey in 2008, Ria Oomen-Ruijten i (EPP-ED, NL), EP rapporteur on Turkey, questioned Ankara's will to keep going with internal reforms. The two diverging political sides within Turkey have to find a way to dialogue, said Mr Rehn.

The Commissioner also told MEPs that the Constitutional Court cases highlighted the need for urgent revision of the rules governing political parties, and also for a wider constitutional reform: "I call on Turkey today to re-energise its reform efforts to advance fundamental freedoms and the rule of law. I also expect that Turkey will contribute to a favourable climate to achieve a comprehensive settlement on the reunification of Cyprus."

Challenges for the Western Balkans

Several MEPs including Doris Pack (EPP-ED), Chair of the EP delegation for South-East Europe for the Balkans, complained that the Commission set a date for one country - Croatia - and not the other Balkan countries.

If Serbia carries out the necessary reforms and fulfil the conditions, it might still be able to obtain candidate status in 2009. The EU expects in particular Serbia to take a constructive approach to EULEX (European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo) deployment.

In the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the good results in judicial and police reform are overshadowed by shortcomings in the political criteria, which is fundamental if accession negotiations are to start, said Mr Rehn.

Strengthening the rule of law and administrative capacity remains a challenge for Montenegro. Bosnia's leaders challenge, meanwhile, is to achieve the degree of political consensus that has delivered progress on EU integration elsewhere in the region. EU-related reforms must move to the top of the agenda, according to the Commissioner.

According to the Commission, one of Albania's key challenges ahead will be handling of the 2009 elections. An SAA was signed with the EU in late 2006.


Chair : Jacek Saryusz-Wolski (EPP-ED, PL)