Conclusies bijeenkomst Raad van Ministers van 15 september over Zimbabwe, Wit-Rusland, Oezbekistan en Georgië (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 5 november 2008.





C/08/288 14137/08 (Presse 288)

PRESS RELEASE 2897the meeting of the Council

General Affairs and External Relations

External Relations

Luxembourg, 13 October 2008

President Mr Bernard KOUCHNER

Minister for Foreign and European Affairs of France

  • A number of items relating to external relations were adopted without debate at the 2896th meeting of the General Affairs Council (14137/08).

Main results of the Council The Council noted with satisfaction that, following the deployment by the EU of a civilian observer mission in Georgia, Russian troops had withdrawn from the zones adjacent to South Ossetia and Abkhazia. This was an additional step in the implementation of the agreements of 12 August and 8 September, which were concluded with the mediation of the European Union following the conflict last summer. The Council reaffirmed the willingness of the EU to take an active part in the international discussions on Georgia, which are set to commence on 15 October in Geneva under the auspices of the EU, the UN and the OSCE. These discussions must focus on all the remaining problems, in particular that concerning arrangements for security and stability in the region and the urgent question of displaced persons. The Council further noted with satisfaction that some progress had been made, compared with previous elections, during the recent electoral campaign in Belarus, even though the parliamentary elections held on 28 September failed to meet the democratic criteria of the OSCE. In this context, it hoped for gradual re-engagement with this country and decided to restore the contacts which it had restricted in November 2004. A meeting between the Council troika and the Belarusian Minister for Foreign Affairs took place in the margins of the meeting. Moreover, in order to encourage dialogue with the Belarusian authorities and the adoption of measures to strengthen democracy and respect for human rights, the Council decided that the travel restrictions currently imposed on certain leading figures would not apply for a period of six months which may be reviewed. At the end of that period, the Council will reconsider the situation in the light of the progress made by the Belarusian authorities. In the case of Uzbekistan, the Council welcomed the progress achieved in the last year with regard to respect for the rule of law and the protection of human rights, while remaining concerned about the situation in some domains. It called on the Uzbek authorities to fulfil all their obligations in this respect and is prepared to assist Uzbekistan in its reforming efforts. In this context, it decided not to renew the travel restrictions applying to certain individuals, which had been suspended in October 2007 and April 2008, but would be renewing the arms embargo for a period of 12 months. An Association Council with Morocco took place in the margins of the Council, focusing particularly on the question of according an "advanced status" to bilateral relations in the framework of the EU's neighbourhood policy.




ZIMBABWE - Council conclusions 6

BELARUS - Council conclusions 7

UZBEKISTAN - Council conclusions 9

GEORGIA/RUSSIA - Council conclusions 11




The governments of the Member States and the European Commission were represented as follows:


Mr Olivier CHASTEL State Secretary for Foreign Affairs with responsibility for preparing for the EU Presidency, attached to the Minister for Foreign Affairs


Mr Ivailo KALFIN Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs

Czech Republic:

Mr Alexandr VONDRA Deputy Prime Minister with responsibility for European Affairs

Mr Karel SCHWARZENBERG Minister for Foreign Affairs


Mr Per Stig MøLLER Minister for Foreign Affairs


Mr Günter GLOSER Minister of State ("Staatsminister"), Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Mr Urmas PAET Minister for Foreign Affairs


Mr Micheál MARTIN Minister for Foreign Affairs


Ms Theodora BAKOYANNI Minister for Foreign Affairs


Mr Miguel Ángel MORATINOS CUYAUBÉ Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

Mr Diego LÓPEZ GARRIDO State Secretary for the European Union


Mr Bernard KOUCHNER Minister for Foreign and European Affairs

Mr Jean-Pierre JOUYET Minister of State with responsibility for European Affairs


Mr Franco FRATTINI Minister for Foreign Affairs


Mr Andreas MAVROYIANNIS Permanent Representative


Mr Maris RIEKSTINŠ Minister for Foreign Affairs


Mr Petras VAITIEKUNAS Minister for Foreign Affairs


Mr Jean ASSELBORN Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Immigration

Mr Nicolas SCHMIT Minister with responsibility for Foreign Affairs and Immigration


Ms Kinga GÃ-NCZ Minister for Foreign Affairs


Mr Tonio BORG Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs


Mr Maxime VERHAGEN Minister for Foreign Affairs

Mr Frans TIMMERMANS Minister for European Affairs


Ms Ursula PLASSNIK Federal Minister for European and International Affairs


Mr Mikolaj DOWGIELEWICZ State Secretary, Office of the Committee for European Integration


Mr Manuel LOBO ANTUNES State Secretary for European Affairs, attached to the Minister for Foreign Affairs


Mr Lazar COMANESCU Minister for Foreign Affairs


Mr Dimitrij RUPEL Minister for Foreign Affairs


Ms Olga ALGAYEROVA State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Mr Alexander STUBB Minister for Foreign Affairs

Ms Astrid THORS Minister for Migration and European Affairs


Mr Carl BILDT Minister for Foreign Affairs

Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÃ-M Minister for European Affairs

United Kingdom:

Mr David MILIBAND Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs



General Secretariat of the Council:

Mr Javier SOLANA Secretary-General/High Representative for the CFSP


ZIMBABWE - Council conclusions

The Council adopted the following conclusions:

"1. With reference to its conclusions of 15 September 2008, the Council is continuing to keep a close watch on implementation of the agreement signed on that date by both sides in Zimbabwe. It reaffirms its commitment to ensuring that the will of the people of Zimbabwe, as expressed in the elections on 29 March 2008, is respected. In this regard, it condemns the unilateral decision to embark on the formation of a new government that does not meet with the agreement of all the parties.

  • 2. 
    The Council notes the resumption of mediation by the SADC, as announced by its current chairman, under the leadership of Mr Thabo Mbeki, and encourages it to mobilise without delay in order to ensure that the agreement of 15 September enters into effect. The Council highlights the importance of the active support of the international community, in particular the African Union and the United Nations.
  • 3. 
    The Council is ready to contemplate additional measures should implementation of the agreement of 15 September continue to be blocked.
  • 4. 
    The Council remains concerned also at the deterioration in the humanitarian situation in Zimbabwe. A further EURÂ 10Â million in aid has just been released by the Commission. Zimbabwe's considerable needs in this area necessitate the continuing, by the Zimbabwean authorities, of unrestricted access for humanitarian purposes.
  • 5. 
    The Council would point to the EU's constant support for the Zimbabwean people. It reaffirms that the EU stands ready, once the agreement of 15 September 2008 is actually implemented and permits the restoration of the rule of law and respect for human rights, to adopt a package of measures to assist in the consolidation of democracy and in the country's economic and social rehabilitation."

BELARUS - Council conclusions

The Council adopted the following conclusions:

"1. The Council notes that, despite some improvements, the parliamentary elections held on 28 September 2008 in Belarus failed to meet the democratic criteria of the OSCE. The Council calls on the Belarusian authorities to remedy the shortcomings observed and to cooperate fully to that end with the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.

  • 2. 
    The Council notes with satisfaction that some progress has been made during the electoral campaign compared with previous elections, in particular as regards cooperation with the OSCE/ODIHR and broader access for the opposition to the media. It again welcomes the release of the last internationally recognised political prisoners before the elections. The Council also notes that the opposition was able to demonstrate peacefully on the evening of the elections.
  • 3. 
    The European Union earnestly hopes for gradual re-engagement with Belarus and is therefore ready to develop a dialogue with the Belarusian authorities, as with all those participating in the democratic debate, with the aim of encouraging genuine progress towards strengthening democracy and respect for human rights in that country. The Council has taken note of the troika meeting with the Belarusian Minister for Foreign Affairs and, in support of these developments, has decided to restore the contacts with the Belarusian authorities which had been restricted pursuant to the Council conclusions of 22 and 23 November 2004.
  • 4. 
    In order to encourage dialogue with the Belarusian authorities and the adoption of positive measures to strengthen democracy and respect for human rights, the Council - while deciding to extend, for one year from today's date, the restrictive measures provided for by Common Position 276/2006/CFSP, as extended by Common Position 288/2008/CFSP - has decided that the travel restrictions imposed on certain leading figures in Belarus, with the exception of those involved in the disappearances which occurred in 1999 and 2000 and of the President of the Central Electoral Commission, will not apply for a period of six months which may be reviewed. At the end of that period, the Council will reconsider whether the Belarusian authorities have made progress towards reforms of the Electoral Code to bring it into line with OSCE commitments and other international standards for democratic elections and other concrete actions to respect democratic values, the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the freedom of expression and of the media, and the freedom of assembly and political association. The Council may decide to apply travel restrictions sooner if necessary, in the light of the actions of the Belarusian authorities in the sphere of democracy and human rights.
  • 5. 
    With a view to strengthening links with the administration and population, the Council supports the intensification of technical cooperation initiated by the Commission with Belarus in areas of mutual interest. The European Union will continue to provide assistance for Belarusian civil society in order to promote the development of a democratic and pluralist environment.
  • 6. 
    The European Union reiterates that it remains ready to deepen its relations with Belarus and to review the restrictive measures taken against leading Belarusian figures in the light of progress made by Belarus on the path towards democracy and human rights. The Council is ready to assist Belarus in attaining these objectives."

UZBEKISTAN - Council conclusions

The Council adopted the following conclusions:

"1. The Council recalls its Conclusions of 29 April 2008 and welcomes the progress achieved in Uzbekistan in the last year with regard to respect for the rule of law and protection of human rights. In particular, it hails the release of a number of defenders of human rights, notably that of Mrs Mukhtabar Tojibaeva. The Council welcomes the fact that she was also allowed to travel abroad for medical treatment, but hopes that she will be granted complete freedom of movement. It takes note with satisfaction of the holding of the second series of consultations on human rights on 5 June 2008 and the holding of a seminar on media freedom in Tashkent on 2 and 3 October. It also welcomes the implementation of a number of legislative and judicial reforms, in particular the abolition of the death penalty, the introduction of habeas corpus and the ratification of a series of conventions combating child labour. The Council is pleased that visits by the ICRC to prisons have resumed, and trusts that they will continue.

  • 2. 
    The Council nevertheless remains seriously concerned about the situation of human rights in some domains in Uzbekistan and urges the authorities to implement their international obligations fully in that regard. It calls on the Uzbek authorities to release all imprisoned human rights defenders and to cease harassment of human rights defenders; to accept the accreditation of the new Country Director of Human Rights Watch and to allow the unhindered operation of that organisation; to cooperate fully and effectively with the UNÂ Special Rapporteurs on torture and on freedom of expression; and to revoke restrictions on the registration and operation of NGOs in Uzbekistan. The judicial reforms and reforms relating to observance of the law must be continued and effectively enforced.
  • 3. 
    The Council encourages Uzbekistan to continue progress in the direction of human rights, democratisation and the rule of law, and it is prepared to assist Uzbekistan in its reforming efforts towards that goal. The Council welcomes Uzbekistan's commitment to work with the EU on a range of questions relating to human rights, by means including an effective dialogue on human rights directed towards achieving practical results.
  • 4. 
    In this context, the Council has decided not to renew the travel restrictions applying to certain individuals referred to in Common Position 2007/734/CFSP, which had been suspended in accordance with the Council's conclusions of 15-16 October 2007 and 29Â April 2008. The Council has however decided to renew, for a period of 12 months, the arms embargo imposed in Common Position 2007/734/CFSP.
  • 5. 
    The Council will continue, on the basis of regular reports from the Heads of Mission, to monitor and assess the human rights situation in Uzbekistan in the light of the conditions set out above and of any other action that demonstrates the readiness of the Uzbek authorities to adhere to the principles of respect for human rights, the rule of law and fundamental freedoms."

GEORGIA/RUSSIA - Council conclusions

The Council adopted the following conclusions:

"1. The Council notes with satisfaction that, following the deployment by the European Union, under the Security and Defence Policy, of an independent civilian observer mission in Georgia, comprising more than 200 observers, Russian troops have withdrawn from the zones adjacent to South Ossetia and Abkhazia as an essential additional step in the implementation of the agreements of 12 August and 8 September, which were concluded with the mediation of the European Union. With reference to the conclusions of the European Council of 1Â September and its own conclusions of 15 September, the Council calls on the parties to continue to implement their commitments, including with regard to the role of UNOMIG and OSCE observers. It notes with satisfaction UN Security Council Resolution 1839, which has extended the UNOMIG mandate by four months.

  • 2. 
    The Council reaffirms the willingness of the European Union to take an active part, in particular through its Special Representative for the crisis in Georgia, in the international discussions provided for in the agreements of 12 August and 8 September, which are set to commence on 15 October under the auspices of the EU, the UN and the OSCE. These discussions must focus on all the remaining problems, in particular that concerning arrangements for stability and security in the region and the urgent question of displaced persons, including the question of the upper Kodori valley and the Akhalgori region. In this context, the Council reiterates its support for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia.
  • 3. 
    The Council thanks the Commission for convening the high-level conference of donors in Brussels on 22Â October, with the aim, in particular, of assisting displaced persons and restarting the Georgian economy. The European Union will contribute substantially via the contributions of the Community and those of the Member States, based on an overall needs assessment carried out by the World Bank in cooperation with the European Commission and other institutions. To strengthen relations between the European Union and Georgia, the Council is preparing to begin negotiations with Georgia in the near future on visa facilitation and readmission, and invites the Commission to continue preparatory work on the possible establishment of a deep and comprehensive free trade area, as soon as conditions permit."