Hübner en Van den Brande vragen de 74 regionale parlementen om Europa de hoogste prioriteit in 2009 te geven (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Comité van de Regio's (CvdR) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 4 november 2008.

Delivering keynote speeches at the Conference of Presidents of Regional Parliaments with Legislative Powers (CALRE) Committee of the Regions (CoR) President Luc Van den Brande and Regional Policy Commissioner Danuta Hübner called upon the 74 CALRE Presidents to make European affairs a top priority for their respective parliaments in 2009.

The XII CALRE Plenary session took place on 3 and 4 November in Bilbao and Vitoria/Gasteiz Spain. Van den Brande's address focussed on the future of the Lisbon Treaty and the impact of the financial crisis on regional and local authorities. He underlined the essential role of regional parliaments in steering Europe through the economic crisis: “In these times of financial and economic turmoil we, the regional politicians have to provide stability and leadership. We have the duty to contribute to the way out of the crisis and to provide solutions on the ground. You know that 2009 will be a difficult year for regional budgeting, funding regional projects and maintaining the stability of the banking and insurance sector. I ask you to do whatever you can to restore the confidence of the public in the stability of our economy and to show the ability of our regions to overcome the current economic challenges.”

Van den Brande also urged the regional parliaments to mobilize to secure a good voter turnout for the upcoming June 2009 European elections: ”Often it was said that Europe is too far away from its citizens. But never before has the EU shown just how important it is for the economic stability and welfare in Europe. Let us clearly communicate in our regions that the European integration process has been tested and has successfully proven to be a valuable and efficient tool to defend the interests of European citizens.”


Commissioner Hübner delivered a keynote speech on the future of European regional policy after 2013 and invited regional parliaments to take part in the consultation process on the European Commission’s green paper on territorial cohesion: “We have to reflect on how the governance of regional policy in Europe could better take into account the regional and territorial dimension. This is why we need territorial cohesion in Europe and why your proposals on the green paper are so important to us, especially in 2009.”

Focusing on the need to step up cooperation between regions in Europe, Mrs Hübner urged regional leaders to make full use of the tools provided by the European Union. “The European grouping of territorial cooperation (EGTC) established by the European Union, for which the Committee of the Regions is largely responsible, has to be used to its full extent. Our investment in this tool has to be strengthened at the European, national and regional levels.” Once established between two or more regions, the EGTC is an EU instrument enabling these regions to work more closely together without the pre-condition of authorization of specific projects by the member states. This includes direct funding of cross-border projects via European funds.

Tackling the severe impact the financial crisis will have on the revenues of local and regional authorities and the availability of funding of regional funds in 2009, Van den Brande asked Hübner to look into the application of the so-called N+2 rule. This rule means that European funds which have not been used by regions after two years of their allocation have to return to the European Commission budget. “In these financially difficult times we should give regions more time and remain flexible.” Van den Brande stated. Commissioner Hübner noted that the European Commission’s Directorate general responsible for Regional Policy is currently evaluating existing European Regional policy procedures to ensure they are transparent and flexible.

Herwig van Staa unanimously elected CALRE President The leaders of the 74 regional parliaments elected Herwig van Staa, President of the Parliament of Tirol, Austria, and longstanding CoR member, as President of CALRE for 2009.

President van Staa joined CoR President Van den Brande and Commissioner Hübner in their appeal and called upon his CALRE colleagues to step up the European activities of their parliaments.

“Regional parliaments with legislative powers have to be involved in the building of Europe. We have to ensure that that regionalism and regional democracy is fostered and reinforced all over Europe. In 2009 we will have European elections. Hand in hand with the European Parliament our 74 parliaments have to inform citizens about Europe and to work for a good turnout at these elections. We also have to continue to be allies of the national parliaments and the Committee of the Regions in the subsidiarity monitoring of EU legislation and to forge solid links with all European associations of regional and local authorities when it comes to influence the political agenda of the European Union.” van Staa said.

For more info on CALRE please click here

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Athénais Cazalis de Fondouce

+32 (0)2 282 24 47

+32 (0)2 282 20 85

Renate Kohl-Wachter

+32 (0)2 282 23 57

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