Concurrentie: Commissaris Neelie Kroes gastvrouw van conferentie over de voordelen van mededingingsbeleid voor economie en consumenten (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 9 oktober 2008.


Brussels, 9th October 2008

Competition: Commissioner Neelie Kroes hosts high-level conference on the benefits to the economy and consumers of competition policy The benefits to the economy and consumers of competition policy will be the focus of a high-level conference in Brussels on Monday 13 October hosted by European Commissioner for Competition Neelie Kroes Commissioner Kroes intends to highlight the substantial and proven benefits to consumers of the EU's competition policy, comment on recent problems in financial markets and set out the concrete benefits of the state aid rules (in particular in limiting risks of beggar thy neighbour policies which could aggravate present problems). French Prime Minister François Fillon will address the conference, together with a number of other high-level speakers.

In addition to keynote addresses by Commissioner Kroes and Prime Minister Fillon, two high-level panels will discuss how competition leads to growth, increases choice and lowers prices for consumers and spurs innovation. The panellists include:

  • Former Prime Minister Esko Aho (designated Executive Vice President, Nokia)
  • Peter Bakker (CEO, TNT)
  • Tom Costello (CEO and founder, Cuil)
  • Monique Goyens (Director-General, BEUC)
  • Gunnar Hökmark MEP
  • Anne Lauvergeon (CEO, AREVA)
  • Mike Lynch (CEO, Autonomy)
  • Luca di Montezemolo (President, Fiat, Ferrari, NTV)
  • Professor C.K. Prahalad (University of Michigan)

The conference takes place in the European Commission's Charlemagne building and lasts from 08:30 to 13:00. Accredited journalists will have access upon presentation of their Commission press badge.

The programme for the conference is available at:

Proceedings from the Round Table on Environmental Protection and Climate Change on 27 May 2008, hosted by Commissioner Kroes, can be consulted at: