Europees Parlement: Verkiezingen Wit-Rusland voldeden niet aan internationale standaarden (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 9 oktober 2008.

In adopting a resolution on Belarus, MEPs regret that the significant progress which the EU had hoped for, in the interests of the Belarusian people, in the democratic development of Belarus did not materialise and that, despite some minor improvements, the 28 September parliamentary elections in Belarus fell short of international standards. MEPs also express satisfaction that the political prisoners Mr Alyaksandr Kazulin, Mr Syarhei Parsyukevich and Mr Andrei Kim have been released.

The House calls on the Council and the Commission to continue the dialogue with and devise a policy vis-à-vis Belarus, subject to strict positive conditionality based on a gradual step-by-step approach, equipped with benchmarks, timetables, a revision clause and adequate financial resources.

The European Parliament calls on the Council and the Commission to consider a selective review and possible suspension of existing restrictive measures, with a view to providing advantages for ordinary citizens and promoting the development of a free society.

The House calls on the Council and the Commission not to lift the visa ban on those directly involved in violating democratic election standards and human rights. MEPs call for consideration to be given to a six-month partial suspension of this sanction for other officials, provided that during that period the restrictive media law adopted at the end of June 2008 is amended before it is fully implemented.


MEP calls on the Council and the Commission to take further steps towards the facilitation and liberalisation of visa procedures for Belarusian citizens, as such action is crucial to fulfil the main goal of EU policy towards Belarus, namely to facilitate and intensify people-to-people contacts and to democratise the country. The House urges them, in this context, to consider the scope for lowering the cost of visas for Belarusian citizens entering the Schengen Area, which is the only way to prevent Belarus and its citizens from becoming increasingly isolated. The House calls on the Belarusian authorities to end their practice of issuing exit visas to their citizens, in particular children and students.

Abkhazia and South Ossetia

MEPs welcome the approach taken so far by the Belarusian authorities, despite enormous pressure, not to recognise the unilateral independence declared by South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

Death penalty

Finally, MEPs condemn the fact that Belarus is the only country in Europe which still has the death penalty, contrary to European values

The resolution was adopted with 597 votes in favour, 31 against and 22 abstentions.