Commissie verleent goedkeuring voor Iers Operationeel Programma 2007-2013 van het Europees Visserijfonds (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 25 september 2008.


The European Commission has approved the Operational Programme for the European Fisheries Fund in Ireland for the period 2007-2013. The total eligible public expenditure of the programme amounts to € 66,355,603, with EU assistance through the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) amounting to € 42,266,603.

The purpose and aim of the EU investment

During 2000-2006, Ireland benefited from EU support under the Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance of € 70 million. By the end of 2006, a total of 850 projects had been supported, mainly for the decommissioning of fishing vessels, and for investments in aquaculture.

The new EU programme for 2007-2013 builds on the success of the previous programme by further consolidating the framework for a viable fisheries sector that respects the environment and supports vulnerable coastal fishing communities. In order to achieve this, the Operational programme is built upon 3 priority axes, out of the five axes foreseen under the EFF.

Priority axes

Priority 1: Adaptation of the EU fishing fleet

The primary objective of this axis is to make fishing sustainable, in particular by creating a framework for the fleet that can secure its existence and future. The EFF measure envisaged to meet this objective is the decommissioning of fishing vessels targeting over-fished stocks.

Priority 2: Aquaculture, inland fishing, processing and marketing of fishery products

Not applicable

Priority 3: Measures of common interest

This axis supports measures of common interest which help to meet the objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy. Through collective actions, special focus is given to environmental management schemes, whose objective is the adoption by industry of an environmentally conscious, responsible and compliant approach, and inshore management, with the aim of developing a sustainable, viable and environmentally conscious shellfish industry.

Priority 4: Sustainable development of fisheries areas

This axis aims at contributing to the sustainable development and improvement of the quality of life in fisheries areas by maintaining and creating jobs and improving the quality of the coastal environment. These objectives will be pursued within the framework of local development strategies set up by fisheries groups located in coastal areas.

Priority 5: Technical assistance

Not applicable

Table: Operational Programme for the European Fisheries Fund in Ireland for the period 2007-2013, co-funded by EFF

Intervention type: Operational Programme

Financial table

Financing plan by priority axis for the period 2007-2013 (in EUR)

Priority axes Total Public a=(b+c) EFF Contribution (b) National Contribution (c) EFF co-financing rate2 (d)=(b)/(a)*100

Priority axis 1 46,355,000 34,766,000 11,589,000 75%

Priority axis 3 12,800,000 6,000,000 6,800,000 47%

Priority axis 4 7,200,603 1,500,603 5,700,000 21%

Total 66,355,603 42,266,603 24,089,000 64%

  • Responsible Authority and contact details

Managing Authority for Operational Programme - Dept. of Agriculture Fisheries & Food

Ms. Josephine Kelly

Address: Building C - West Cork Technology Park


Co. Cork


Tel: + 353-235-9581

Fax: + 353-235-9587

E-mail: Web: