Vervoersministers bespraken duurzaam vervoer (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Frans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2008 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 2 september 2008.

The EU transport ministers joined their Norwegian, Swiss, Moroccan and Tunisian counterparts on 1 and 2 September at La Rochelle in the Charente-Maritime for an informal meeting around an ambitious work programme.

At the invitation of Jean-Louis Borloo, the French Minister for Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and Town and Country Planning (Regional Development) and Dominique Bussereau, the French Minister of State for Transport, the transport ministers identified the major political orientations to ensure a productive period of work under the French Presidency. The ministers expressed their wish for significant progress to be made on several dossiers before the end of the year.

Ahead of the next action plan to be published by the European Commission, the ministers underscored the need to accompany and encourage all the initiatives of territorial communities in the area of urban transport. In particular, they discussed 'resource centres' designed to encourage the exchange of good practices and information between European citizens, and stated their wish for the emergence of a European market for clean urban transport to help manufacturers define new international standards.

With regard to the proposed revision of the Eurovignette Directive, the ministers voted in favour of charging modes of transport and gradually factoring in 'external costs', which would initially include congestion, noise and pollution but not CO2 emissions, subject to constraints arising from the situation experienced by the sector's economic agents. Implementation of the directive will be optional to help launch the process in the volunteer States.

The ministers unanimously insisted on the importance of guaranteeing optimal maritime safety measures; they reaffirmed their wish to establish dialogue with the European Parliament to reach positive conclusions on the work on the Erika III package.

The meeting also reflected on the measures to give fresh impetus to developing "motorways of the sea" by making them more practicable, establishing closer working relationships with manufacturers and simplifying the funding procedures, if necessary, with the help of the European Investment Bank.

See also Informal meeting of the transport ministers

Download a zip file of photos from the event.

© Xavier Leoty

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