Eerste september zitting verplaatst naar Brussel (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 21 augustus 2008.

Following the preliminary results of various expert enquiries conducted after the partial collapse of the ceiling in the Hemicycle in Strasbourg on 7 August 2008, President Hans-Gert PÖTTERING has today, on the basis of a recommendation by the Secretary-General and after consulting Chairmen of political groups, taken the decision exceptionally to move the holding of the September I session from Strasbourg to Brussels in view of guaranteeing the absolute security and safety of Members and staff.

This decision has been taken after consultation of the French Presidency, also in view of providing continuity to the legislative work of the Institution.

On the basis of the progress of the reconstruction work and the efforts that are made by the services and the companies involved in the work, the September II session will be held in Strasbourg as foreseen after the necessary verifications regarding security and safety have been concluded.

The preliminary results have revealed that the partial collapse of the ceiling resulted from the breakage of parts holding the inserted ceiling that connects it with the actual structure of the ceiling. The ongoing enquiries - conducted by several impartial and international engineering companies - will further determine the details and liabilities linked to the cause of the collapse. The enquiries are being conducted in full co-operation with the relevant local authorities and with a high-level building security and safety expert appointed by the French government.

At the moment, the re-construction of the whole ceiling of the Hemicycle in Strasbourg is being carried out, with a completely new suspension technique, already approved by the independent experts and local construction authorities, being used. Although all efforts are made in order to advance as quickly as possible, the procedure is lengthy and does not allow for all necessary legal verifications regarding security and safety of buildings to be made prior to the holding of the September I session.

Following the final result of the enquiries, the liabilities will be established between different actors of the time of construction of the original ceiling.