Informele bijeenkomst Raad Onderwijs, Jeugdzaken en Cultuur in Versailles (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Frans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2008 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 21 juli 2008.

The informal ministerial meeting will be held in Versailles on 21-22 July 2008. It will meet in its “culture” configuration on the afternoon of 21 July, and in its “audiovisual” configuration on the morning of 22 July.

The informal meeting of the ministers of culture and audiovisual affairs in its “culture” configuration on the afternoon of 21July will examine ways of better enhancing European heritage, by means of:

  • an exchange of views on the European Heritage Label project and the conditions for the Community-wide implementation of this initiative;

This project aims to heighten awareness among citizens of their common European history, by developing the European aspect of cultural assets, monuments, natural and urban sites, historical landmarks and testimonies to history and European heritage, and organising them within the framework of a network on the basis of common objectives (public access, artistic and cultural education, visitor information in different languages, contribution to intercultural dialogue).

  • the launch of a general review into ways to prevent theft and how best to combat illegal trafficking in cultural property and artefacts.

On the morning of 22 July, the Council will meet in its “audiovisual” configuration with:

  • • 
    an exchange of views among ministers on the audiovisual chapter of the revision of the Community’s regulatory framework governing electronic communication (the “Telecommunications Package”). This should specifically enable:
  • a better grasp of the impact of proposals to reform the management of the radio spectrum, especially with a view to finding a balance between the development of a competitive digital market on the one hand, and the need for Member States to retain the means of pursuing public-interest objectives, such as media pluralism, cultural and linguistic diversity, and land-use planning, on the other;
  • consideration of the measures suggested by the Commission to protect copyright and related rights, particularly with the aim of making ISPs responsible for informing internet users of rules in this area;
  • assessment of the relevancy of suggested changes to the rules of integration of must-carry channels;
  • • 
    a report to be compiled by the Presidency on the conference "Public Service Media in the Digital Age", to be held on 17-18 July in Strasbourg, following the start of the Commission’s review of its communication on the application of rules related to State aid for public-service broadcasting.

Agenda for the informal meeting (EN)