Eurocommissaris Marian Fischer Boel licht inzet EU in komende WHO-onderhandelingen toe (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 17 juli 2008.

Press conference ahead of WTO talks

Brussels, 17 July 2008

As Peter has told you, next week is crunch time for the Doha Round.

We now have the latest revised texts on Agriculture and NAMA.

And these are now ripe for ministerial involvement.

If we cannot establish modalities now, I believe that the negotiations will have to be put on ice for some time.

The window of opportunity is still there, but it is getting smaller and smaller.

On agriculture, the Doha Round has been characterised by the active role the EU has played in the negotiations.

There was once a time when the EU and its Common Agricultural Policy were seen as the bad guys in multilateral trade talks.

But I'm pleased to say we have been able to turn this around.

Both through the positive way in which we have engaged in the negotiating process.

And thanks to the foundations we have laid through our ongoing process of CAP reform, which puts us in a much stronger position.

We now have the real possibility of a truly historic WTO deal on agriculture if the other parts of the negotiation can match the level of ambition in agriculture.

I have always been open with our agricultural constituency that this will involve a certain amount of sacrifice. We have never hidden that fact.

And that is why it's absolutely crucial that we have payback in other areas.

We are confident that what we are negotiating is manageable for our farmers.

And they will be looking at what we can get back to balance the situation.

Of course, we are not there yet.

We go to Geneva with much work to do, but in a determined frame of mind.

We will push hard next week for further improvements to what is on the table.

The time has come for a cross-cutting negotiation process with other areas outside agriculture.

Much will depend on the readiness of other players to show sufficient flexibility next week.

We intend to be constructive and engaged, but we will not accept a deal at any price.

And, to quote the conclusions of last month's European Council, it must be a "comprehensive, ambitious and balanced" outcome.

A balanced deal is something we will not compromise on.

Thank you.