Grensoverschrijdend Operationeel Programma Denemarken - Duitsland: "Syddanmark-Schleswig-K.E.R.N" 2007-2013 (en)
1.“Denmark-Germany Cross-border Cooperation Programme (Syddanmark-Schleswig-K.E.R.N)” – Operational Programme under the European Territorial Cooperation Objective, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
On 20 December 2007, the European Commission approved a Cross-border Cooperation Programme for Denmark and Germany that will run between 2007 and 2013. The programme provides Community support as part of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the Danish region of Syddanmark and for parts of Schleswig-Holstein in Germany (K.E.R.N. - Landeshauptstadt Kiel, Stadt Eckernförde, Stadt Rendsburg and Stadt Neumünster).
The Operational Programme falls within the framework laid out for the European Territorial Cooperation Objective and has a total budget of around €69 million. Community funding through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) amounts to some €44 million, which represents approximately 0.5% of the total EU investment earmarked for the European Territorial Cooperation Objective under the Cohesion Policy 2007-13.
3.Purpose and aim of the programme
By harnessing regional resources, the Programme aims to help the cross-border area become an active player in the global market-place. The focus is on improving the area’s attractiveness and further strengthening the cross-border cooperation that was developed under previous programming periods.
4.Expected impact of the investment
The Programme aims to improve regional competitiveness and nurture a sustainable environment. Its activities should make the cross-border area a more attractive location for enterprises and enhance the quality of life of local residents. The development of cross-border transport connections and the creation of new businesses and services will be key programme goals.
The Operational Programme is structured around the following priorities:
Priority 1: Reinforcement and consolidation of the region’s knowledge-based economy [approximately 46.4% of the total budget]
Activities that will be supported in this priority include: economic cooperation and enterprise creation; the development and introduction of new technologies; cooperation in research and education; tourism development; and new initiatives in the health care sector.
Priority 2: Development of framework conditions in the area [approximately 23.3% of the total budget]
The aim is to develop human resources and create a sustainable environment. Subjects that are high on the programme agenda include: sustainable energy use, transport and logistics, and the development of housing that reflects demographic need.
Priority 3: Day-to-day cooperation and functional integration in the border region [approximately 23.3% of the total budget]
This priority seeks to support cultural and linguistic cooperation as well as initiatives to bring the region’s young people closer together. In addition, the axis will promote cross-border employment and education, public transport and administrative cooperation.
Priority 4: Technical assistance [approximately 7.0% of the total budget]
Technical assistance is available for Programme management, including information and communication activities.
6.Managing Authority: Region Syddanmark - Vejle, Denmark
Contact details:
Ms Ingrid Clausen
Region Syddanmark
Regional Udvikling
Damhaven 12
DK-7100 Vejle
Telephone: +45 7663 1999
Fax: +45 7663 1522
Joint Technical Secretariat
Entwicklungsagentur Nord GmbH
Lise Meitner Straße
2 – D 24941 Flensburg
Telephone: +49 461 9992140
Fax: +49 461 9992213
7.Title: “INTERREG IV A Operational Programme for Syddanmark-Schleswig-K.E.R.N”
Intervention type: Operational Programme
CCI No.: 2007CB163PO056
No. of decision: C/2007/6502
Final approval date: 20/12/2007
8.Breakdown of finances by priority (in euros)
Priority |
EU Contribution |
National Public Contribution |
National Private Contribution |
Total Funding |
20 826 358 |
9 612 165 |
1 602 027 |
32 040 550 |
10 413 178 |
4 806 082 |
801 014 |
16 020 274 |
10 413 178 |
4 806 082 |
801 104 |
16 020 274 |
2 658 684 |
2 175 287 |
0 |
4 833 971 |
Total |
44 311 398 |
21 399 616 |
3 204 145 |
68 915 069 |