Commissie komt met nieuwe vooruitzichten voor vervoersverbindingen naar de Westelijke Balkan (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 24 juni 2008.

The European Commission today opened negotiations on a treaty establishing a Transport Community with the Western Balkans. This first meeting, held in Brussels with the region's Transport Ministers, will be followed in the autumn by technical meetings with a view to concluding the Transport Community Treaty in 2009.

The treaty aims to establish an integrated market for infrastructure and land transport, maritime transport and inland waterways and to align the relevant legislation in the Balkans region with the EU legislation, so as to enable transport users and the general public to benefit sooner from the advantages of accession.

The treaty will help to accelerate the integration of the transport systems and to harmonise rules on safety, environmental protection and services. A Transport Community is a solid way to foster cooperation, stability and peace in the region.

Also, for the Balkans, this Community will go alongside the rapid development of a region with exceptional economic potential, providing a major boost to sustainable economic growth and the revitalisation of the rail networks.

For the EU, the Transport Community will help to promote stability and prosperity throughout Europe. It will also allow our trans-European transport network to expand and contribute to the further development of our internal market.