Regionaal programma Polen en Duitsland: Saksen (2007-2013)
1.“Poland-Germany Cross-border Cooperation Programme” - Operational Programme under the European Territorial Cooperation Objective, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
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On 21 December 2007, the European Commission approved a Cross-border Cooperation Operational Programme between Poland and Germany for the period 2007-2013. The Programme involves providing Community support as part of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for specific German and Polish regions that lie along their common border: the German regions of Niederschlesischer Oberlausitzkreis, Löbau - Zittau and Kreisfreie Stadt Görlitz, along with two Polish sub-regions, Jeleniogórsko-Walbrzyski and Zielonogórski, which respectively form part of the voievodships of Lower Silesia and Lubuskie. Other regions may take part in projects as an adjacent area, i.e. receiving a maximum 20% of the ERDF funding allocated to the Programme.
The Operational Programme falls within the framework laid out for the European Territorial Cooperation Objective and has a total budget of around €124 million. Community funding through the ERDF amounts to some €105 million, which represents approximately 1.2% of the total EU investment earmarked for the European Territorial Cooperation Objective under the Cohesion Policy 2007-13.
3.Purpose and aim of the programme
The overall objective is to promote the sustainable development and economic competitiveness of the German-Polish border region. This will be achieved by pursuing an integrated, cross-border approach to economic and social development, which involves and benefits local people and their communities.
The Programme area is characterised by an undeveloped cross-border infrastructure, common spatial planning issues and differences in per capita income between the bordering regions. Fortunately, there is a willingness to work together on these and other issues.
4.Expected impact of the investment
The Programme aims to support the development of social frameworks, entrepreneurship, tourism and action to protect and improve the environment.
The Operational Programme is structured around the following priorities:
Priority 1: Cross-border development [approximately 47.3% of the total budget]
The aim of this priority is to improve the economy and science base, boost tourism and spa facilities, develop transport and communications, care for the environment and improve spatial and regional planning.
Priority 2: Cross-border social integration [approximately 46.7% of the total budget]
Boosting social integration across the border will be achieved by supporting actions in the following areas: education and qualifications; art and culture; social infrastructure; public security; and partner cooperation. Money will also be set aside to create a small project fund.
Priority 3: Technical assistance [approximately 6% of the total budget]
Technical assistance is available to help implement the Programme.
6.Managing Authority: Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit - Dresden, Germany
Contact details:
Mr Stephan Brauckmann
Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit, Referat 36
Wilhelm-Buck-Strasse 2
D-01097 Dresden
Telephone: +49(0)351/564-8360
Fax: +49(0)351/564-8306
7.Title: “Cross-border Operational Programme Poland-Germany 2007-2013”
Intervention type: Operational Programme
CCI No.: 2007CB163PO018
No. of decision: C/2007/6573
Final approval date: 21/12/2007
8.Breakdown of finances by priority (in euros)
Priority |
EU Contribution |
National Public Contribution |
National Private Contribution |
Total Funding |
49 754 945 |
8 604 683 |
175 602 |
58 535 230 |
49 049 395 |
8 482 663 |
173 113 |
57 705 171 |
6 306 660 |
1 112 940 |
0 |
7 419 600 |
Total |
105 111 000 |
18 200 286 |
348 715 |
123 660 001 |