Regionaal programma Tsjechië & Slowakije: 2007-2013 (en)
1.“Slovakia-Czech Republic Cross-border Cooperation Operational Programme” - Programme under the European Territorial Cooperation Objective, co-funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
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On 21 December 2007, the European Commission approved a Cross-border Cooperation Operational Programme between Slovakia and the Czech Republic for the period 2007-13. The Programme involves providing Community support as part of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the following regions along the Slovak-Czech border:
Trnavský kraj, Trencianský kraj and Žilinský kraj in Slovakia;
Jihomoravský kraj, Zlínský kraj and Moravskoslezský kraj in the Czech Republic.
The Operational Programme falls within the framework laid out for the European Territorial Cooperation Objective and has a total budget of around €109 million. Community funding through the ERDF amounts to some €93 million, which represents approximately 1.1% of the total EU investment earmarked for the European Territorial Cooperation Objective under the Cohesion Policy 2007-13.
3.Aim and purpose of the Programme
The overall objective of the Programme is to support joint development of the region within the common Schengen area. It is necessary to provide appropriate conditions that will support the development of the joint region. The global objective of the Programme is to increase cohesion and convergence of the cross border region. This objective will be satisfied by creating a network of cooperating bodies that support sustainable and integrated development of the economy, the environment, social issues, shared culture, IT implementation and tourism that preserve and maintain cultural traditions.
Slovakia and the Czech Republic were once part of a single federal state - Czechoslovakia. In 1993, the two countries calmly split into two separated national states. The mutual relations of the two states are now very good. The two national economies are now in competition. The living standards of the Czech Republic are slightly higher than found in Slovakia. Even so, Slovakia enjoys a higher economic growth rate.
As the languages of the two countries are quite similar, there is no major language barrier, which should facilitate smooth implementation of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme.
4.Expected impact of investments
The Programme is oriented towards creating stable networks of co-operation in various fields, including universities, public administration, businesses (clusters), cities and small town administrations etc. As there is a high potential for tourism development, the Programme also aims to improve the tourism infrastructure, so as to create common tourism products, services and support. A considerable impact is also anticipated in terms of interconnectivity of the two countries (local roads, railways, bicycle paths).
Another aim of the Programme is to reduce barriers between the border regions and to build mutual trust, which will be realised through the “Micro Projects Fund”. The fund will focus on people-to-people projects that serve to facilitate shared administration and citizen services.
The Operational Programme is structures along the following priorities:
Priority 1: Support of social, cultural and economic development and cooperation in the cross border region [approximately 54.0% of total funding]
The aim of this priority is to support:
-joint cooperation and networking;
-renewal and preservation of regional cultural traditions;
-a common approach to Human Resources and education development;
-cross border economic development activities improvement; and
-the potential of tourism so as to highlight its economic importance in the cross border region while supporting the development of shared tourism products.
Priority 2: Development of the cross border region accessibility and environment [approximately 40.0% of total funding]
The aim of this priority is to:
-increase the cross border region accessibility;
-maintain the regional and local identification and character of the landscape within the cross border region; and
-create the required conditions for regeneration and sustainability of environmental quality.
Priority 3: Technical assistance [approximately 6.0% of total funding]
Technical assistance pertains to the management of the Programme; including information and communication activities.
6.Managing Authority: Ministry for Construction and Regional Development - Bratislava, Slovakia
Contact details:
Ms Andrea Rajcáková
Ministry for Construction and Regional Development
Department of Cross Border Co-operation
Prievozská 2/B
Bratislava 825 25
Telephone: + 421 2 5831 7466
7.Title: “Slovakia-Czech Republic Cross-border Cooperation Operational Programme”
Intervention type: Operational Programme
CCI No.: 2007CB163PO030
No. of decision: C/2007/6604
Final approval date: 21/12/2007
8.Breakdown of financing by priority (in euros)
Priority |
EU Contribution |
National Public Contribution |
Total Public Contribution |
50 079 676 |
8 837 590 |
58 917 266 |
37 096 057 |
6 546 363 |
43 642 420 |
5 564 408 |
981 955 |
6 546 363 |
92 740 141 |
16 365 908 |
109 106 049 |