Turkije moet verder hervormen, zegt Europees Parlement (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 21 mei 2008.

In its latest progress report on Turkey, adopted by a large majority of 467 for, 62 against and 61 abstentions, the European Parliament welcomes recent legislative activities in the country, while insisting that the speed of reforms must pick up. The own-initiative report, drawn up by Ria Oomen-Ruijten (EPP-ED, NL), "welcomes the commitment of Prime Minister Erdogan that 2008 is going to be the year of reforms" and "urges the Turkish government to fulfil its promises" by implementing them.

While the Parliament stresses that "modernisation is first and foremost in Turkey's own interest," it also notes that "further delays will seriously affect the pace of negotiations."

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The role of the judiciary and the military in modern Turkey

The House is "concerned about the implications of the AK Party closure case," and "expects the Turkish Constitutional Court to respect principles of the rule of law, European standards and the Venice Commission guidelines on the prohibition of political parties," asking the Turkish parliament to bring the constitution into line with these standards.

The report also considers the recently adopted changes to Article 301 of the Penal Code to be a "first step towards a fundamental reform of that article as well as other articles of the Penal Code, and looks forward to further moves in this respect." The Parliament adds that in its view "the repeal of Article 301 and other legal provisions representing an illegitimate restriction on freedom of expression as guaranteed by international law would be the best solution." 

The report "welcomes the fact that in 2007 democracy prevailed over attempts by the military to interfere in the political process," and encourages the government to "make further systematic efforts to ensure that the democratically elected political leadership bears full responsibility for formulation of domestic, foreign and security policy" and that "the armed forces fully respect this responsibility by fully and unambiguously acknowledging civilian control."


The Kurdish question

Parliament urges the Turkish government to launch "a political initiative favouring a lasting settlement of the Kurdish issue," including a "comprehensive master plan to boost the socio-economic and cultural development of the south-east of Turkey." It also calls for "real possibilities to learn Kurdish within the public and private schooling system" and its use in broadcasting, public life and public services. While considering that a possible ban of the DTP would be "counterproductive to a political solution," and deploring the "many court cases brought against elected mayors and other politicians for using the Kurdish language," as well as the recent conviction of Leyla Zana, the report "calls upon the DTP party, its members of parliament and mayors to distance themselves clearly from the PKK," and calls on the PKK to declare and respect an immediate ceasefire. At the same time, MEPs also urged Turkey "not to engage in any disproportionate military operations violating Iraq's territory."


Gender issues

In light of the drafting of a new constitution, the report stresses that it should "ensure gender equality, avoid the use of vague criteria such as general morality, refrain from perceiving women primarily as family or community members and reaffirm women's human rights as their individual rights." It also notes "the disappointment and concern of part of the population that the lifting of the ban on wearing headscarves in universities was not part of a broader package of reform based on a wide ranging consultation of civil society."


Current affairs

Finally, MEPs expressed their concern about "the excessive use of force by Turkish police against demonstrators at this year's May Day parade in Istanbul." During the debate held on Wednesday morning, speakers of political groups from all over the political spectrum defended Joost Lagendijk i (Greens/EFA, NL), the Chair of the EP Delegation for relations with Turkey, who has come under attack from Turkish opposition party CHP in the past few weeks.

Debate preceding the vote

In the debate on Wednesday morning, rapporteur Ria Oomen-Ruijten i (EPP-ED, NL) said: "Since the last report, we have seen some very positive developments in Turkey (the Law on Foundations, some reform of Article 301). We have a mixed picture, and a lot more needs to be done in order for Turkey to keep its promises to the EU and to its own people." Noting that 2008 was supposed to be the year of reforms, she added that "a new constitution is the only way the government can ensure separation of state and religion, and all civil society representatives need to be involved in this process." Vittorio Agnoletto (EUL/NGL, IT) announced that his group would be abstaining during the vote on the report, as "it does not deal adequately with the Kurdish issue."

Rapporteur (Oomen-Ruijten) said that since the last report, we have seen some very positive developments in Turkey (Law on Foundations, some reform of Article 301). We have a mixed picture, a lot more needs to be done, in order for Turkey to keep their promises to the EU and to their own people. This is a balanced report, but three main messages: we are concerned with regard to the case against the AKP party, hopefully the constitutional court will follow international law on this issue. We welcome the fact that in 2007 the country stood up to the military. 2008 was supposed to be the year of reforms. We want to ensure that Turkey remains a lay state. Separation between church and state is creating friction in Turkish society. Nearly 50% of citizens are concerned about the state of the secular state. A new constitution is the only way the government can ensure separation of state and religion, and all civil society representatives need to be involved in this process.  


REF.: 20080520IPR29475