Regionaal programma Denemarken en Duitsland: 2007-2013 (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 8 mei 2008.
  • 1. 
    “Denmark - Germany Cross-border Cooperation Operational Programme - FehmarnbeltRegion – Sjælland-Plön-Ostholstein-Lübeck” – Programme under the European Territorial Cooperation Objective, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

[ Figures and graphics available in PDF and WORD PROCESSED ]

  • 2. 

On 21 December 2007, the European Commission approved a Cross-border Cooperation Operational Programme between Denmark and Germany for the period 2007-2013. The Programme involves providing Community support as part of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the region of Sjælland in Denmark and parts of Schleswig-Holstein in Germany.

The Operational Programme falls within the framework laid out for the European Territorial Cooperation Objective and has a total budget of around €31 million. Community funding through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) amounts to some €23 million, which represents approximately 0.3% of the total EU investment earmarked for the European Territorial Cooperation Objective under the Cohesion Policy 2007-13.

  • 3. 
    Aim and purpose of the programme

The overall aim of the Programme is to turn the Baltic Sea space into a functional maritime region, thereby improving the attractiveness and the economic position of the Programme area along the Hamburg-Copenhagen/Malmö axis.

  • 4. 
    Expected impact of investments

The following list represents some of the expected impacts of the Programme’s investments:

better links to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and improved international performance of innovation sources;

improved transnational transfer of technology and knowledge;

wider public basis for generating and using innovation;

improved capacity and interoperability of different transport and Information and

Communications Technology (ICT) networks;

improved institutional capacity and effectiveness in water management;

greater sustainable economic potential of marine resources;

improved capacity when dealing with hazards and risks;

pooled resources of metropolitan regions, cities and rural areas to enhance the Baltic Sea region’s competitiveness and cohesion;

increased regional identity and recognition.

  • 5. 

The Operational Programme is structured around the following priorities:

Priority 1: Economy, Innovation, Maritime Affairs and the Environment [approximately 45.6% of total funding]

Activities supported under this priority include encouraging entrepreneurial initiatives, promoting the region as a business location, product development, developing the innovative capacity of enterprises, improving the health sector and maritime branches, boosting tourism and preserving cultural heritage. Environmental sustainability will also be supported through financing actions designed to protect nature and promote the use of renewable energies.

Priority 2: Cross-border Structures and Human Resources [approximately 45.6% of total funding]

This priority focuses on strengthening regional identity, developing cooperation for language training opportunities and the cross-border labour market, as well as improving public transport across the border.

Priority 3: Technical Assistance [approximately 8.8% of total funding]

Technical assistance will be provided for managing the Programme and includes information and communication activities.

  • 6. 
    Managing Authority: Sjælland Region, Regional Development and International Relations Department – Sorø, Denmark

Contact details:

Hanne Edelweiss Beckert

Region Sjælland

Regional Development and International Relations Department

Alleen 15

DK-4180 Sorø


Telephone: +45 5787 5757

Fax: +45 5787 5999



  • 7. 
    Title: Operational Programme “FehmarnbeltRegion – Sjælland-Plön-Ostholstein-Lübeck Cross-border Programme”

Type of intervention: Operational Programme

CCI No.: 2007CB163PO057

No. of decision: C/2007/6600

Final approval date: 21/12/2007

  • 8. 
    Breakdown of financing by priority (in euros)


EU Contribution

National Public


Total Public


  • 1. 
    Economy, Innovation, Maritime Affairs and the Environment

10 763 000

3 587 666

14 350 666

  • 2. 
    Cross-border Structures and Human Resources

10 763 000

3 587 666

14 350 666

  • 3. 
    Technical Assistance

1 374 000

1 374 000

2 748 000


22 900 000

8 549 332

31 449 332