Toespraak Barosso bij ontvangst hoge Bulgaarse onderscheiding (en

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 28 maart 2008.


JosAc Manuel DurA£o Barroso

President of the European Commission

"Stara Planina Award Ceremony"

Stara Planina Award Ceremony

Sofia, 28 March 2008


Prime Minister,


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Za men e goliama chest da bada dnes tuk, za da polucha nai visokata nagrada na Balgaria â€" orden "Stara Planina

(It is a great honour for me to be here today to receive Bulgaria's highest decoration, the "Stara Planina".)

Predi malko poveche ot godina Evropeiskiat Sayuz privetstva Balgaria kato nova darjava chlenka. Viarvam che nie veche moje da kajem che chlenstvoto na Balgaria e edna istoria na uspeha. (It is little more than a year since the European Union welcomed Bulgaria as a new Member State. I believe we can already say that Bulgaria's membership has been a success story. )

Bulgaria is today firmly anchored in the common European space of values. These values include democracy, the rule of law, a competitive market economy, social cohesion and last but not least, the values of freedom and solidarity within the European Union.

As a member, Bulgaria shares these values and contributes to their development in order to make the European Union stronger to address the challenges and seize the opportunities of globalisation.

Today, I have the chance to pay tribute to one practical example of the values of freedom and solidarity that are so important to me personally.

As a young man, growing up in my native Portugal that was ruled by dictatorship, I was not able to exercise my freedom. I could not travel or read the books that I wanted. Freedom seemed a relative concept. We looked to the European Union for solidarity.

President, Prime Minister, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

Freedom and solidarity are at the heart of the story of the safe return of the Bulgarian medical workers detained in Libya.

The perseverance of these remarkable people is an inspiration to all those seeking freedom. The solidarity of so many is priceless for those who dare to hope.

I am proud that the European Union was able to contribute to their safe return. I want to pay tribute to the role that President Sarkozy, the French first lady and Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner played in making this possible. This was a political and diplomatic story, but above all, a human tragedy that thankfully had a happy ending. I accept this decoration as a symbol of the contribution that the European Union can, and is, making to the lives of Bulgarian citizens.

That is my work. I care that Bulgaria and its citizens have a better future. I firmly believe that membership is a win-win situation for Bulgaria as well as for the whole European Union.

In its first year of membership, Bulgaria has made Europe stronger through its positive and constructive role. I think about the robust economic growth. I think in particular about Bulgaria's contribution to the debates on the future of the Western Balkans. The name of this award perfectly reflects the role that Bulgaria can play as the backbone of a stable prosperous region. I think of the remarkable job that Commissioner Meglena Kuneva is doing in my team to help consumers and improve the status and reputation of Bulgaria. I think of the Prime Minister's support during the discussions leading to agreement on the Treaty of Lisbon. The early approval by your Parliament â€" and I want to congratulate the Bulgarian Parliament for that - is a strong signal of the desire for a more democratic, accountable, efficient and stronger European Union. A Union where democracy is reflected through strong institutions at the service of its citizens. .

Bulgaria has shown that it can play an active positive role in Europe. In turn, the European Union has shown its solidarity.

The principles of freedom and solidarity must continue to underpin how Bulgaria moves forward within the European Union.

Bulgarian citizens want the same rights and freedoms that other European citizens enjoy. In the same way, I want Bulgaria to benefit from the generous solidarity that the European Union can give.

To ensure the complete fulfilment of these freedoms and rights as well as European solidarity, it is particularly important that the momentum behind the reform process continues. All the commitments made at the time of membership must be respected, and I am talking specifically about the reform of the judiciary and fight against corruption and organised crime.

We will do all we can to help. Europe wants to co-operate not control. But ultimately the future is in your hands.

President, Prime Minister, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen.

Bulgaria has remarkably talented people. We all have a responsibility to invest in these people. That means we must embrace change not be afraid of change. To be open to the world and the challenges and opportunities it brings with our hands and our hearts.

I passionately believe that Bulgarian membership was the right thing to do at the right time. Membership has been a success; for your country as much as for the European Union. Bulgaria has an opportunity to develop and grow within the European Union. Together we must grasp these opportunities so we are better placed to master the challenges of a globalised world. On the basis of our common values we will be able to use the opportunities for the benefit of all Europeans.
