EP-bureau start herziening assistentensysteem (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 11 maart 2008.

On Monday, the Bureau of the European Parliament unanimously agreed to a recommendation from the Conference of Presidents of the political groups, based on a proposal by Parliament President Hans-Gert Pöttering, regarding the system for Members' assistants.

The Bureau decided to:

  • charge the Secretary General to ensure the consistent application and implementation of the European Parliament's internal rules on the reimbursement of Parliamentary assistance expenses;
  • entrust the Secretary General with a mandate to make contact with the Commission and Council, with the aim of securing the possibility of a new set of rules for Members' assistants, through an amended Contract Staff regime, whilst preserving the freedom of Members to recruit their assistants and independently determine their salary levels;
  • charge its working party on the Member's Statute, Assistants and Pension Fund, chaired by Martine Roure, Vice President, to assess as a matter of urgency the operation of the existing rules in detail, and given the importance of the matter, to come forward with proposals for changes to the rules which it considers necessary.  

The Bureau, made up of the President and the fourteen Vice-Presidents plus the six Quaestors in an advisory capacity, is responsible for administrative, staffing and organisational matters within Parliament. The Conference of Presidents is made up of the President of the European Parliament and the leaders of the political groups. 


REF.: 20080307IPR23298