Regionaal operationeel programma 2007-2013: "Mazovia" (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 26 februari 2008.
  • 1. 
    Mazowieckie Regional Operational Programme, Convergence objective, co-funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

[ Figures and graphics available in PDF and WORD PROCESSED ]

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    On 10 October 2007 , the European Commission approved the regional development programme in the Mazovia region in Poland for the period 2007-2013, entitled "the Operational Programme for the Mazowieckie voivodship". This programme involves Community support for Mazovia within the framework of "Convergence" objective. The total budget of the programme is around EUR 2.15 billion and the Community investment through the ERDF amounts to EUR 1.83 billion (approximately 2.7 % of the total EU money invested in Poland under Cohesion policy 2007-2013).
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    The purpose and aim of the EU investment

It will also be an important tool for the delivery of the revised Lisbon Strategy, 39% of its total budget will be devoted to Lisbon objectives. The Strategic Goal of the Programme is the "the improvement of the region's competitiveness and improvement of the social, economic, and territorial cohesion of the voivodship".

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    The expected impact of the investment

According to a macroeconomic modelling projection regional funds are expected to raise the growth of the region's GDP per capita of 10% and to create around 7 000 new jobs. Around 1000 projects concerning direct investment aid to Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) will be financed under the programme. More than 470 km of roads will be reconstructed or modernised. Around 15 000 persons will be connected to the water supply network and 40 000 to the sewerage network. 800000 persons will receive access to broadband internet.

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The programme is structured according to the following priorities:

Priority 1: Creating conditions for development of innovation potential and entrepreneurship in Mazovia

Actions will be pursued to strengthen the research & development (R&D) sector by supporting the development of centres of high research potential. Support will include investments for scientific research needs or development works, including investments in infrastructure, as well as for the setting up and development of innovation enterprises, implementation of R&D, facilitation of access to certification & standards services, development of co-operation in the field of innovation between enterprises and the R&D sector as well as science and technology, promoting transfer of new technologies and know-how, and investments by business in new technologies and innovation implementation. Support will also be aimed at the development of business environment institutions operating for innovative enterprises, consulting services for innovative companies, and development of information systems on innovation and innovation promotion. There will also be projects supporting enterprises in implementation of environment friendly technologies and improved environment management, preparation of sites for business activities. Initiatives to promote the region as a good place to invest and its businesses will also be supported.

Priority 2: Accelerating the e-development of Mazovia

Operations will focus on levelling disproportions in development of ICT, in particular in areas with a low level of e-development potential by carrying out IT development projects of the voivodship (broadband networks), projects developing regional and local public e-services (e.g. public administration infrastructure, regional and local spatial information infrastructure) and ICT development for enterprises. Support will be given to the creation of a system of on-line services available to inhabitants and enterprises, a platform of integrated public services, and a system of Public Internet Access Points (PIAP). In order to launch e-services in the region, operations will be performed to provide and modernise IT infrastructure of public administration, public health services. Development of communications and information technologies for SMEs will focus on support to enterprises providing e-services or providing access to digital content, also for local communities.

Priority 3: Regional transport system

The projects implemented under this Priority will aim to connect the regional transport network with the national and international networks, in particular with the transeuropean, transport network (TEN-T). With respect to the road infrastructure, support will be provided for projects involving construction of new road links and reconstruction, extension and modernisation of existing regional, county and municipality roads. Support to the regional railway transport system will be provided via projects of purchase and modernisation of railway rolling stock for regional passenger transportation. It will also be possible to implement projects involving construction of "park and ride" facilities in connection with the setting up of transfer nodes integrating different transport modes, located on the city outskirts or in the vicinity of train stations and bus depots, as well as the purchase and installation of infrastructure used to improve the functioning of regional public transportation (e.g. electronic information systems for passengers, electronic ticketing systems - so-called intelligent transport system). Finally, one regional airport will be expanded and modernised.

Priority 4: Environment, prevention of threats, and energy

Support will be given to projects aiming to improve the economic and investment attractiveness and compliance of the region with environment protection standards. In the area of water quality, support will be provided to the expansion and modernisation of the water supply and sewage disposal systems (including water intake and sewage treatment plants), recovery or neutralisation of sewage sludge and projects aimed at introducing rational water consumption. In the area of waste, investments will be focused on reducing quantities of dumped waste and mitigating their negative impact on the environment; cultivating degraded areas; developing selective waste collection systems; construction, expansion, and modernisation of waste segregation installations; and construction of hazardous waste landfills. Air quality will be improved through the modernisation of heat distribution systems, developing alternative (renewable) sources of heat and energy, and thermo-modernisation of buildings. Support will be granted to operations aiming to create cohesive and comprehensive regional environment monitoring systems as well as systems to forecast, warn, respond, and eliminate effects of natural and technological hazards. There will also be projects to help public institutions to implement environment friendly technologies as well as projects relating to preservation and protection of existing natural resources in national parks, Natura 2000 areas, and forest complexes.

Priority 5: Strengthening the role of cities in the development of the region

Under this Priority, support will granted to projects aimed at the regeneration of degraded urban areas, particularly city centres, post-industrial and post-military sites, and run-down residential areas. Projects can include the regeneration or cultural, social, and economic infrastructure, as long as they are a part of a wider project of urban regeneration. Support to housing will also be given, within the limits established by the regulations. Finally, undertakings are planned to improve the system of public transport in cities, excluding the Warsaw metropolitan area. Support will be directed at improving the infrastructure, including construction of new or modernisation of existing public transportation lines, purchase of new rolling stock, modernisation of public transportation stock, creation of integrated systems of urban public transportation and accompanying infrastructure with respect to road traffic safety and environment protection.

Priority 6: Making use of nature and culture vales for development of tourism and recreation

Within the priority, projects will be carried out to use natural and cultural resources in order to improve attractiveness of the region by developing tourism and cultural sectors. Support will be provided to operations in the area of protection and restoration of historical buildings and complexes to expand the offer for tourists, and to the development of infrastructure for cultural operations, e.g. by cultural institutions, like museums, theatres, libraries as well as cultural centres. It will also be possible to digitise the cultural heritage resources and development of information society in the area of culture.

Priority 7: Creating and improving conditions for human capital development

Within the priority, support will be provided to improve quality of health services so they meet the professional and sanitary requirements concerning the premises and equipment required by law. Specifically, support will be provided to projects related to modernisation of existing facilities and provision of specialist medical equipment and apparatus to health service institutions. Secondly, support will be aimed at the improvement of the educational system, by provided support to projects improving the condition and equipment of educational facilities, improving quality and propagating modern teaching methods. Finally, the system of social assistance will be supported through projects such as the construction, modernisation (also adjustment to access by disabled persons) and improved furnishing of various facilities, such as: long-sojourn or social assistance institutions providing care for the sick.

Priority 8: Technical assistance

Under this priority , support will be provided for actions relating to the process of the management, implementation, monitoring, control, ensuring programming continuity, and also projects selection and evaluation, consisting of appropriate organisation of the work, raising staff qualifications and equipment with technical tools. Support will also be provided for information and communication activities.

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    Managing Authority: Council of the Mazowieckie voivodship

Contact: Mr. Adam Struzik, Marshal of the Mazowieckie voivodship

Marshal's Office of the Mazowieckie voivodship

ul. B. Brechta 3

PL-03-472 Warszawa

Tel.: +48 22 597 9104

Fax: +48 22 597 9275


  • 7. 
    Title: "Regional Operational Programme for the Mazowieckie voivodship", programme under the Convergence objective

Intervention type: Operational Programme

CCI No.: 2007PL161PO011

No. of decision: C/07/5072

Final approval date: 10/10/2007

  • 8. 
    Breakdown of Finances by priority area (in euros)


Priority Axes

Community funding

National counterpart

Total funding


Creating conditions for development of innovation potential and entrepreneurship in Mazovia

430 401 731

75 953 247

506 354 978


Accelerating the e-development of Mazovia

205 127 627

36 198 993

241 326 620


Regional transport system

538 460 023

95 022 357

633 482 380


Environment, prevention of threats, and energy

197 801 647

34 906 173

232 707 820


Strengthening the role of cities in the development of the region

89 743 340

15 837 060

105 580 400


Making use of nature and culture vales for development of tourism and recreation

150 182 726

26 502 834

176 685 560


Creating and improving conditions for human capital development

164 834 703

29 088 477

193 923 180


Technical assistance

54 944 901

9 696 159

64 641 060


Total value of Programme

1831 496 698

323 205 300

2 154 701 998