Regionaal operationeel programma 2007-2013: "Lódzkie" (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 26 februari 2008.
  • 1. 
    Lódzkie Regional Operational Programme, Convergence objective, co-funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

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    On 2 October 2007 , the European Commission approved the regional development programme in the Lódzkie region in Poland for the period 2007-2013, entitled "the Operational Programme for the Lódzkie Voivodeship". This programme involves Community support for Lódzkie within the framework of the "Convergence" objective. The total budget of the programme is around € 1.3 billion and the Community investment through the ERDF amounts to EUR 1.01 billion (approximately 1.5 % of the total EU money invested in Poland under Cohesion policy 2007-2013).
  • 3. 
    The purpose and aim of the EU investment

The Lódzkie Regional Operational Programme (ROP) is the region's first ever large-scale, coordinated, multi-annual and financially stable programme of development measures. Consequently, the Lódzkie ROP will become the region's most important instrument for making structural changes happen. It will also be an important tool for the delivery of the revised Lisbon Strategy. The Lisbon objectives allocation in the Programme is more than 37% of its total budget.

The Strategic Goal of the Programme is "the integration of the region with the European and global social and economic space as a central European development centre, favourable to living and economy, while aiming at the creation of its internal cohesion and maintenance of the variety of its areas".

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    The expected impact of the investment

According to a macroeconomic modelling projection the programme is expected to deliver additional GDP of 2.1%. It is expected that around 20 000 new jobs will be created, of which 10 000 will be for women and 2700 in rural areas. Around 2800 projects concerning direct investment aid to Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) will be financed under the programme. 440 km of roads will be reconstructed or modernised. Around 6700 persons will be connected to the water supply network and 7500 to the sewerage network. 130 000 persons will receive access to broadband internet.

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The specific objectives of the programme are the following:

Improvement of the transport accessibility of the Lodz region;

Improvement of the state of natural environment and energetic safety;

Development of the innovative and competitive economic sector in the region;

Development of the information society;

Creation of suitable conditions for the development of human resources;

Economic and social revitalisation in degraded urban areas;

Increase in the capabilities of the absorption of EU resources under ROP LR.

The programme is structured according to the following priorities:

Priority 1: Transport infrastructure

The aim of this priority axis is to improve the transport accessibility of the Lodz region. This will be provided by improvement of the state of and connection of the transport network of the Lodz region to the network of national roads, the Trans-European network of transport TEN-T and the airports; improvement of road traffic safety in the Lodz region, increase in the competitiveness and improvement in the quality of public transport in towns and cities, increase of the use of railway transport in passenger and goods services, increase of the significance of air transport (regional airport).

Priority 2: Environmental protection, prevention of threats, and energy

The aim of this priority is to improve the state of natural environment and energetic safety. This will be provided by rationalisation of economy in regard to communal and industrial waste drainage and treatment, rationalisation of water supply, rationalisation of the management of communal waste and economic sector waste, natural environment protection and creating ecological attitudes, improvement of the air quality, prevention of environmental dangers and reduction of their effects, development and improvement of the state of the energetic infrastructure of the region, diversification of energy sources, with particular attention paid to the use of renewable energy sources (RES).

Priority 3: Economy, innovativeness, entrepreneurship

The objective of this priority is to develop the innovative and competitive economic sector in the region. This will be achieved by supporting modernisation and development investments in enterprises, improving access to capital, supporting the R&D activity and the activity of business support institutions aimed at the development of cooperation between the scientific sector and the business sector, and lastly by improving attractiveness of the region in regard to recreation and tourism.

Priority 4: Information society

The aim of this priority is "development of the information society". This will be achieved by increasing the use of advanced IT technologies by inhabitants, equalisation of disproportions in regard to the access to and use of information and communication technologies (ICT) within the territory of the Lodz region.

Priority 5: Social infrastructure

The aim of this priority is to create suitable conditions for development of human resources. This will be provided by improving health safety level of inhabitants, increasing social assistance services' importance in the economic development of the region, and improving knowledge and better adaptation of competences to the requirements of the labour market including forming and development of the regional cultural identity.

Priority 6: Revitalisation of urban areas

The aim of this priority is "Economic and social revitalisation in degraded urban areas". This will be achieved by revitalisation of the architectural structure of post-industrial and post-military areas and facilities, an increase in the attractiveness of urban areas for local and external investors, and revitalisation of degraded residential districts, including revitalisation of the housing structure.

Priority 7: Technical assistance

This priority will support projects in the area of support for the Lódzkie ROP management and implementation process, publicity and information and support for the process of project development and implementation.

  • 6. 
    Managing Authority: Council of the Lódzkie Voivodeship

Contact: Mr. W?odzimierz Fisiak, Marshal of the Lódzkie Voivodeship

Marshal's Office of the Lódzkie Voivodeship

al. Pi?sudskiego 8

PL-90-051 ?ód?

Tel.: +48 42 663 3000

Fax: +48 42 663 3002


  • 7. 
    Title: "Regional Operational Programme for the Lódzkie Voivodeship", programme under the Convergence objective

Intervention type: Operational Programme

CCI No.: 2007PL161PO009

No. of decision: C/07/4580

Final approval date: 02/10/2007

  • 8. 
    Breakdown of Finances by priority (in euros)



Community funding

National counterpart (public and private)

Total funding


Transport infrastructure

241 531 418

42 623 191

284 154 609


Environmental protection, prevention of threats, and energy

171 084 755

30 191 427

201 276 182


Economy, innovativeness, entrepreneurship

271 722 846

146 312 302

418 035 148


Information society

70 446 664

12 431 764

82 878 428


Social infrastructure

120 765 709

21 311 596

142 077 305


Revitalisation of urban areas

100 638 091

17 759 663

118 397 754


Technical assistance

30 191 427

5 327 899

35 519 326


Total value of Programme

1 006 380 910

275 957 842

1282 338 752