EU vraagt Wit-Rusland dissident vrij te laten (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 26 februari 2008.

The EU has called on the Belarusian authorities to release Alexander Kazulin from prison, the unsuccessful rival of the country's leader, Alexander Lukashenko, in the 2006 presidential elections, and let him attend his wife's funeral on Tuesday (26 February).

"It is with great sadness that I received the news of the death of Irina Kazulina," the EU's foreign policy chief, Javier Solana, said in a statement.

He urged Minsk to "free Mr Kazulin from prison immediately and unconditionally, so that he can be reunited with his family and attend his wife's funeral."

Mrs Kazulina died of cancer on Saturday. The next day, her husband mounted a hunger strike to protest against being unable to attend her funeral. He was subsequently joined in his hunger strike by his two daughters.

The 52-year old dissident was jailed for five and a half years after he helped organise protests against President Lukashenko's re-election almost two years ago.

The EU and the US have introduced a series of sanctions against Mr Lukashenko's regime, including a travel ban on the Belarusian president. They accused him of manipulating elections and suppressing his political opponents.

But in his statement, Mr Solana also noted that if Minsk does release Mr Kazulin, it would mean all political prisoners have now been freed, following the country's move in January to let go five other dissidents.

"I sincerely hope that this important step will now be taken," said the EU's foreign chief.

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