Duitsland: Regionaal operationeel programma voor Rijnland-Palts 2007-2013 (en)
1.Operational Programme "Rhineland-Palatinate Regional Operational Programme" - Programme under the Regional Competitiveness and Employment Objective, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
On 7 August 2007, the European Commission approved a Regional Operational Programme for the region of Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany for the 2007-13 period. The Operational Programme falls within the Regional Competitiveness and Employment Objective framework and has a total budget of around €545 million. Community investment through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) amounts to some €217 million, which represents approximately 0.8% of the total EU investment for Germany under the 2007-13 Cohesion Policy.
3.Aim and purpose of the programme
The overall objective of the Programme is to develop living and working conditions further in the region and to strengthen competitiveness, sustainable growth and employment within the border and structurally weaker areas in particular.
With three neighbouring countries (i.e. France, Luxembourg and Belgium), Rhineland-Palatinate is a crossroads region between different languages and cultures. The Bundesland Rhineland-Palatinate, which has around 4 million inhabitants, is a centre for the chemical industry and viniculture, an important timber producer and an automobile industry supplier. It is furthermore home to specialised sectors such as the precious stone, ceramic and shoe industries. The Operational Programme will promote competitiveness and employment, develop innovative potential and promote sustainable urban and rural development. Through these objectives, Rhineland-Palatinate will contribute substantially to the achievement of the Lisbon Strategy objectives and to the Gothenburg objectives of sustainability.
4.Expected impact of investments
The programme aims to create and maintain 5000 jobs, to promote business start-ups and to promote innovation and knowledge. As the programme allocates some 84% of its total budget toward growth and jobs it is an important tool for realising the objectives of the revised Lisbon Strategy.
Specific objectives of the Rhineland-Palatinate Regional Operational Programme include:
promoting equivalent living and working conditions throughout the region
strengthening competitive structures
facilitating sustainable growth and employment.
The Regional Operational Programme is structured along the following priorities:
Priority 1: Helping companies to create more and better jobs [approximately 37.0% of total funding]
This priority aims to stabilize job supply and employment security under the conditions of globalisation. Innovation support and special services for technology-oriented start-up enterprises will help to achieve these ends.
Priority 2: Promotion of knowledge and innovation for growth [approximately 40.9% of total funding]
The specific objective of this priority is to create and to consolidate the promotion of technology and innovation. This is to be pursued through:
network and cluster support
tourism innovation
research and competence centres support and technology transfer
small and medium-sized enterprises services
environmental research and technical environmental protection measures.
Priority 3: Promotion of the local and regional development to increase regional investment appeal and employment base [approximately 21.1% of total funding]
The strategic objective of this priority is to increase the attractiveness of the regions in the face of globalisation and worker migration. This is to be supported by revitalising conversion and fallow grounds and revaluation of headquarters with a particular need for economic, ecological and social development.
Priority 4: Technical assistance [approximately 1.0% of total funding]
There is provision for technical assistance to implement the programme. Financial support covers administration, monitoring, evaluation and control.
6.Managing Authority: Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Verkehr, Landwirtschaft und Weinbau, EFRE Verwaltungsbehörde - Mainz, Germany
Contact details:
Dr. Silke Dierks
Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Verkehr, Landwirtschaft und Weinbau, EFRE-Verwaltungsbehörde
Stiftstraße 9
D - 55116 Mainz
Telephone: +49 6131 16-5289
Fax: +49 6131 16-4031
E-mail: Silke.Dierks@mwvlw.rlp.de
Website: http://www.mwvlw.rlp.de
7.Title: Operational Programme "Rhineland-Palatinate Regional Operational Programme"
Type of intervention: Operational Programme
CCI No.: 2007DE162PO011
No. of decision: C/2007/3877
Final approval date: 7/8/2007
8.Breakdown of financing by priority axis (in EUR)
Priority axis |
EU Contribution |
National Public Contribution |
Total Public Contribution |
80 600 000 |
16 000 000 |
255 200 000 |
88 900 000 |
60 875 000 |
193 770 000 |
46 000 000 |
46 000 000 |
92 000 000 |
2 113 760 |
2 113 760 |
4 227 520 |
217 613 760 |
124 988 760 |
545 197 520 |