Europees Commissaris Ferrero-Waldner (buurlanden) bezoekt Moldavië

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 14 februari 2008.

European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner i , will visit Moldova on 14/15 February 2008. She will meet with President Vladimir Voronin, Prime Minister Vasile Tarlev, First Deputy Prime Minister Zinaida Greceanii in charge of economic and financial assistance, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Andrei Stratan, Speaker of the Parliament Marian Lupu and Chisinau Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca. She will also deliver a speech at the Moldovan State University. On the agenda are EU-Moldova relations, progress in Moldova's political and economic reforms, issues related to the Transnistria settlement, and regional issues.

Ahead of her visit the Commissioner said: "This is a very dynamic moment: Moldova has made significant progress over the last year in moving ahead with its ambitious reform agenda based on the EU-Moldova ENP Action Plan. We have concluded visa facilitation and readmission agreements which entered into force on 1 January 2008; the world-wide first Common Visa Application Centre has been opened in Chisinau, and the EU adopted a decision on granting additional Autonomous Trade Preferences to Moldova which will enter into force on 1 March. The EU will be ready to start reflections on further strengthening EU-Moldova relations on the basis of a breakthrough in the implementation of the Action Plan, in particular in key areas such as media freedom, the fight against corruption and improvements to the investment climate."

She added:" I strongly support Moldova's efforts to come to a settlement of the Transnistria conflict, especially President Voronin's proposals on confidence-building measures which aim at bringing the people on both sides of the river closer together. It is important now that these confidence-building measures are implemented with patience and generosity and without slowing down the overall reform process. We sta

In the period 2007-2010 Moldova receives EC financial assistance of close to €250 million, which is the highest per capita allocation in the Eastern Neighbourhood.

The EU-Moldova ENP Action Plan has become the key reference document for Moldova's own ambitious reform programme and promotes institutional, legal and administrative reforms in a wide range of areas including judicial reform, the fight against corruption and further economic and private sector development with the aim to reduce poverty. The Action Plan also promotes reforms in the energy, transport and environment sectors as well as strengthened cooperation with civil society.

The EU is Moldova's most important trading partner with a share of 47.6% in total bilateral trade. Moldova benefits from the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP+), which is being replaced in March 2008 by the more advantageous system of Autonomous Trade Preferences (ATPs).

The EU is strongly engaged in the Transnistria settlement efforts and fully supports President Voronin's proposals on confidence-building measures. The Commission stands ready to provide expert advice and, where appropriate, financial assistance, for the implementation of the confidence-building measures. This could include assistance in areas such as military retraining, social and health sector reform, energy, transport and the environment.

The EU Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM) which has been in place since December 2005, following a joint request of the Moldovan and Ukrainian Presidents, aims at strengthening transparent border management and customs procedures in line with European standards along the whole Moldovan-Ukrainian border. EUBAM experts also provide advice and support to strengthen the fight against organised crime, including smuggling and trafficking, and the fight against corruption.

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EU-Molodova relations: