Staatssecretaris Jersi bij raadpleging Commissie over het kleinbedrijf (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Sloveens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2008 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 6 februari 2008.

State Secretary at the Ministry of the Economy, Toma_ Jersi?, attended the European Commission's consultation on the Small Business Act in Brussels today. It is an additional initiative in the area of entrepreneurship deploying a raft of measures aimed at encouraging and supporting enterprises, primarily small enterprises in every phase of operation. Mr Jersi? had been invited, as a representative of the presiding country, by European Commission Vice-President Günther Verheugen.

"In today's global economy, it is important for the EU and its Member States to frame rules and legal arrangements to create conditions favourable for competitiveness and to nurture the growth of enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises," underlined Mr Jersi?.

Although the EU has already achieved a great deal in this area, small and medium-sized enterprises still encounter many difficulties such as market access barriers, burdensome administrative requirements, lack of experts and financial resources, insufficient support services, etc. The State Secretary commented that the "Small Business Act is an excellent instrument for confronting all these problems."

"In June, Slovenia will host the Conference on the European Charter for Small Enterprises, which will be an excellent opportunity for exchanging good practices between Member States in respect of entrepreneurship and the development of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises," announced Mr Jersi?.