Samenwerking EU en Japan voor strijd tegen klimaatverandering (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Sloveens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2008 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 23 januari 2008.

In 2001, the European Union and Japan adopted the Action Plan for EU-Japan Cooperation, aimed at strengthening civil-society links between the EU and Japan. In the light of pursuing this objective, the symposium entitled "Climate Change and Perspectives for EU-Japan Cooperation" is being held today at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ljubljana.

The symposium was organised by the Slovenian Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning and the Embassy of Japan in Slovenia, and co-sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia. It is intended for the general public, specifically governmental and non-governmental organisations, private, scientific and economic sectors, and will further strengthen civil-society links between the EU and Japan and contribute to a comprehensive approach to facing climate change.

The opening speeches at the symposium were given by Msc Andrej Kranjc from the Slovenian Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning; Mr Etsuro Honda, Deputy Director-General of the European Affairs Bureau of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and Mr Samo Hribar Mili?, General Manager of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia. The Japanese and EU representatives will tackle the issue of global climate change. The symposium will feature presentations of the views of Japan and the EU concerning the international agreement on combating climate change after 2012, which is envisaged for 2009 and in accordance with the conclusions of the Parties to the Climate Change Convention in Bali in December 2007. The discussion will also address greenhouse gas emission trading, which may substantially contribute to national and global emission reductions.