Preventie van kanker prioriteit voor Sloveens voorzitterschap (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Sloveens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2008 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 22 januari 2008.

The Slovenian Minister of Health, Zofija Mazej Kukovi, today in Brussels presented the Slovenian Presidency's health priorities to the European Parliament i Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety and called for the constructive cooperation of the Members of the European Parliament during the Presidency.

Mrs Kukovi informed the MEPs of the Presidency's priority issue, namely cancer, stating that "much has been achieved in health policy at the EU level in several domains which have a direct and positive impact on cancer prevention and control. However, both the current situation and predictions of the future burden of cancer call for a stronger political response." Mrs Kukovi added that, with the initiative on cancer during its Presidency, Slovenia is calling for action to reduce cancer incidence and mortality, to improve cancer outcomes, to reduce differences in terms of prevention and control of cancer between and within EU Member States. In order to successfully tackle the burden of cancer, we need a comprehensive and integrated approach at all levels, ranging from disease prevention, organised screening and early detection to optimal treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care, combined with investment in research in all these areas.

Besides the central theme, Mrs Kukovi also presented other important issues on the agenda of the Slovenian Presidency: antimicrobial resistance, reduction of alcohol-related harm and e-health.