Slovenië presenteert prioriteiten voor werkgelegenheid en sociale zaken (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Sloveens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2008 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 22 januari 2008.

Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs Marjeta Cotman presented the priority assignments of the Slovenian Presidency in the field of employment and social affairs to the Employment and Social Affairs Committee of the European Parliament i. Her presentation emphasised that "only together can we take a step forward in improving the social image of the European Union and the welfare of each individual. Europe which invests in people operates for the future."

First of all, Minister Cotman addressed the Employment and Social Affairs Committee of the European Parliament with the following words: I highly appreciate such dialogue and any opportunity for an exchange of opinions on issues which concern the future of European citizens. The role of the European Parliament in policy-making for the future of Europe is of key importance, since only together can we take a step forward in improving the social image of the European Union and the welfare of each individual. The motto of the Slovenian Presidency in the field of employment and social affairs is "Europe which invests in people operates for the future". I would like to conclude the meeting with a better vision of how to help the millions of young unemployed Europeans by integrating them into the labour market; and how to raise the awareness of the importance of strengthening solidarity between and within generations. I would like to contribute to the fight against poverty and social exclusion so that no one will be pushed to the edge; I would like to improve the employment and social integration opportunities for the disabled, as well as ensuring equal opportunities for everyone. Europe needs legal tools for such efforts. It needs clever decisions. It needs high legal working standards, effective systems of social protection, productive social dialogue, and dialogue with civil society. If we want to operate for the future, we must invest in people, in their potentials and in systems and structures which will enable Europe to remain the best possible place for life and work.

Proceeding from these policy directions, the Slovenian Presidency will be based on four main objectives: the Lisbon Strategy, continuation of the European discussion on demographic challenges, the fight against poverty and social exclusion, and the provision of equal opportunity and prevention of discrimination against the disabled.

In the context of the first objective, which refers to the labour market and employment, primary attention will be devoted to the Lisbon Strategy. Successful and timely preparation of the next cycle of the Strategy is one of the key assignments. The most important decisions will be adopted by the spring European Council. However, one of the most important challenges is the preparation of guidelines for employment, where demographic challenges and principles of flexicurity, as well as the strengthened identification of social dimensions will be considered.

The Presidency will continue with the discussion on flexicurity and implementation and execution of common principles at the national level, which will be the theme of the informal meeting of ministers of employment and social affairs at the end of January in Slovenia.

In her presentation, Minister Cotman emphasised that we would like to devote special attention to the youth and their position in the labour market and society. Young people need an environment where they will quickly find their way from the educational system into the employment system, an environment where they can easily decide on creating a family, and an environment which enables easier coordination of professional and family life.

The second objective of the Presidency will be devoted to continuation of the European discussion on demographic challenges, especially the new balance between generations, and strengthening solidarity between generations. A special case in this field is the provision of the quality and accessibility of long-term care.

In the context of the third objective, devoted to the area of social affairs, the Slovenian Presidency will address the fight against poverty. The poverty of children and young people, as well as social exclusion, is not acceptable within contemporary Europe. Therefore, among the priority assignments of the Presidency will be the preparation of the new cycle of the open method of coordination in the field of social protection and social integration, and further strengthening of the positive interaction between the Lisbon Agenda and common social objectives of the Member States. In cooperation with the European Parliament we would like to adopt the decision to address the European Year of the Fight Against Poverty and Social Exclusion 2010.

Within the fourth objective, the Slovenian Presidency will further strengthen activities to ensure equal opportunity and to prevent discrimination against the disabled. To this end, special attention will be devoted to timely ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Disabled and the Optional Protocol.

According to Minister Cotman, the Presidency will promote stronger improvement in adopting legislative proposals, such as the proposals of the Working Time Directive, the Part-time Workers Directive, as well as the Directive on the transfer of rights from voluntary supplementary pension insurance.

Address by Minister Marjeta Cotman at the European Parliament Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (Empl)