Voormalig Premier Spanje voorzitter EU-reflectiegroep (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 14 december 2007.

The European Union has agreed that its reflection group - a French-inspired idea to sketch the best political recipe for how to deal with Europe's future challenges - will be chaired by Spain's former prime minister Felipe Gonzalez.

The group will also have two vice-chairs, Latvia's former president Vaira Vike-Freiberga and Nokia's chief Jorma Ollila.

According to Czech deputy prime minister Alexandr Vondra, the group of about nine members, including the three top figures, is expected to kick off its work during the French presidency in 2008.

The timeframe was suggested by German Chancellor Angela Merkel in a bid to avoid the group interfering with the upcoming ratification process of the Treaty of Lisbon, formally signed off on Thursday (13 December).

One of the main concern in the negotiations leading to the formation of the reflection group was that it should not affect public discussion on the Lisbon Treaty in Ireland.

Ireland is the only member states so far to say that it will have a referendum on the document, which needs to approved by all 27 member states before it can come into force. The Irish referendum is set to take place in the early summer of 2008.

The panel is expected to report its findings in June 2010, although it should avoid discussing "the EU's finances, enlargement and institutional issues", according to Mr Vondra.

One diplomat noted, however, that the mandate also includes "likely developments outside Europe with an effect on the EU" - something that could be seen as a cover for the touchy issue of future enlargement.

The main issues to be discussed are migration, the fight against terrorism, social and economic challenges and climate change.

"I would say that the reflection group is not the top priority for the European Parliament", the EU assembly's chief Hans-Gert Poettering said, when asked about the group, adding "most people think it is not the top priority but we don't want to stand in the way of it".

"This group can't take the decision-making powers away from politicians. It can put forward proposals", he stressed.

Other names tipped for the group members include former president of the European Parliament Pat Cox as well as Austria's former chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel.

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