Leden van het Europarlement betuigen steun aan bewakers (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 13 december 2007.

Members of the European Parliament i on Thursday voiced overwhelming support for the ushers of the House with a loud round of applause just ahead of voting time. Political group leaders took the floor to complain about the insults and violent attacks on some ushers yesterday by some of the MEPs who were protesting against the signing of the Charter of Fundamental Rights.

During the signing ceremony of the Charter, the President of Parliament i asked the ushers to request the demonstrating MEPs to stop their action and put down the banners they were holding. While the ushers were carrying out their duty, some MEPs insulted them aggressively. Group leaders this morning stressed that this conduct was inexcusable and demanded apologies or that sanctions be imposed on the MEPs concerned.  


REF.: 20071213IPR15317