Europees Parlement bezorgd over langzame onderhandelingen economische partnerschapsovereenkomsten (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 12 december 2007.

MEPs are concerned about the slow pace of the negotiations, says a resolution expected to be endorsed by the House. This might result in not having agreements signed with any of the ACP regional groups by 31 December 2007 (WTO waiver deadline). EPAs are to be signed between the EU and 79 African, Caribbean and Pacific States in order to replace the current system of aid and cooperation not compatible with the WTO i rules.

The House takes note of the decision by the Commission on "a two-step approach" to avoid trade disruption for non LDC ACP States. The Commission will continue negotiations beyond 31 December 2007 on EPAs. The resolution was adopted with 271 votes in favour 189 against and 10 abstentions.  

Interim Framework Agreement with the East African Community Partner States and several states of the Southern African Development Community - guaranteeing duty-free and quota-free access for those states' goods to the EU market - have been signed recently.

According to MEPS, EPAs must be instruments of development in order to promote sustainable development, regional integration and reduction of poverty in the ACP States. An analysis of the social impact of EPAs on the groups most at risk, during the negotiations and after they have been concluded, has to be carried out by the Commission, says the House.

The Cotonou Agreement i signed in 2000 sets out the parties' agreement to conclude new WTO-compatible trading arrangements and to progressively remove barriers to trade between them. On these agreements, the EP has asked that the assent procedure applies to each of these agreements.


The House recalls the commitments by the Council and the Commission not to negotiate pharmaceutical-related TRIPS-plus provisions affecting public health and access to medicines, such as data exclusivity, patent extensions and limitation of grounds of compulsory licences.

ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly

On 20 November 2007 at its Kigali meeting, the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly adopted the "Kigali Declaration for development-friendly Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs)" urging the European Commission to acknowledge that "more time is needed for ACP States to assess, in a comprehensive way, the implications of the agreements proposed" (See link below)


REF.: 20071211IPR14799