Regionaal programma Bulgarije 2007-2013: milieu (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 27 november 2007.
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    Operational Programme "Environment 2007-2013" - Operational Programme under the Convergence objective co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Cohesion Fund (CF)

[ Figures and graphics available in PDF and WORD PROCESSED ]

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On the 7 November 2007, the European Commission approved a sectoral operational programme in Bulgaria for the period 2007-2013. The Operational Programme "Environment" involves Community support for the whole national territory within the framework of the "Convergence" objective. The total budget of the programme is around € 1.8 billion and the Community assistance through the ERDF amounts to € 439 million and through the Cohesion Fund, it amounts to € 1.027 billion (approximately 22 % of the total EU money invested in Bulgaria under the Cohesion policy 2007-2013).

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    The purpose and aim of the EU investment

The Operational Programme "Environment†(OP Environment) is the main programme document of the implementation of the national environmental policy. The purpose of the support within this framework is to protect and preserve the natural resources of Bulgaria and to improve the state of environment throughout the country.

Investments in environmental infrastructure are strongly connected to sustainable economic growth and job creation. They also contribute to promoting convergence and increasing the competitiveness of regions. The programme will also contribute to the preservation and restoration of Bulgarian rich biodiversity and will help to improve the implementation capacity of the local stakeholders.

  • 4. 
    Expected impact of the investments

By 2013, the programme plans to have realised 65 new or rehabilitated waste water treatment plants serving an additional 1.845.000 people, and 22 integrated waste management systems serving an additional 3.5 million people.

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The overall objective of the OP is "to improve the quality of life of the population in the country through ensuring healthy and favourable environment and to preserve the rich natural heritage on the basis of sustainable development of the country ". It concentrates on the completion of the requirements of the environmental acquis (EU law), which is considered a pre-requisite for improved living standards and the attractiveness for growth-inducing investments in the country. The overall objectives will be achieved through four priorit?es (including Technical Assistance):

Priority 1. Improvement and development of water and wastewater infrastructure

The objective of this priority is the preservation and improvement of the environmental conditions of the water in the country by improving water supply and wastewater infrastructure to the standards required by European directives. This priority will aim at the construction/modernization of water sources intended for drinking water abstraction, the extension and rehabilitation of water and sewerage networks, the construction and rehabilitation of water and wastewater treatment plants and will also cover the technical assistance for project preparation. Projects supported by this priority will follow integrated water management cycle.

Priority 2. Improvement and development of waste treatment infrastructure

The objective is to improve the environment by enabling the respect of European Directives on solid waste and development of sustainable waste management systems, respecting the integrated waste management flow (prevention, utilization/sorting/recycling) and final treatment. The programme will improve waste management facilities and will reduce the number of historically contaminated sites.

The priority will support regionalised waste management plans.

Priority 3. Preservation and restoration of biodiversity

The objectives are the conservation of biological diversity, natural habitats, wild species of fauna and flora as well as the efficient management of protected areas.

Priority 4. Technical assistance

The objective of this priority axis is to successfully and efficiently implement the programme (support to management, communication activities, evaluation etc.).

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    Responsible for implementation and contact details:

Ministry of Environment and Water, Directorate "Cohesion Policy for Environment"

Managing Authority for Operational Programme "Environment 2007-2013"

Deputy Minister: Mr Atanas Kostadinov

22, Maria Luiza Blvd., 1000 Sofia

Tel.: +359 2 980 67 28

Fax: +359 2 980 96 41


Director of the Managing Authority: Mr Vasil Margaritov


  • 7. 
    Title: Operational Programme "Environment 2007-2013" under the Convergence objective

Intervention type: Operational Programme

CCI No.: 2007BG161PO005

No. of decision: C/2007/5470

Final approval date: 07/11/2007

  • 8. 
    Breakdown of Finances by priority area (in Euro)

Priority area

Total funding

EU Contribution



  • 1. 
    Improvement and development of water and wastewater infrastructure in settlements with over 2000 PE and in settlements bellow 2000 PE within urban agglomeration areas (CF)



1 284 207 841

1 027 366 273

256 841 568

  • 2. 
    Improvement and development of waste treatment infrastructure (ERDF)



366 743 574

311 732 038

55 011 536

  • 3. 
    Preservation and restoration of biodiversity (ERDF)



103 308 048

87 811 841

15 496 207

  • 4. 
    Technical assistance (ERDF)



46 488 622

39 515 329

6 973 293


1 800 748 085

1 466 425 481

334 322 604