Regionaal programma Duitsland 2007-2013: Brandenburg (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 27 november 2007.
  • 1. 
    Programme involving participation by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), under the "convergence" objective

[ Figures and graphics available in PDF and WORD PROCESSED ]

  • 2. 
    On 7 September 2007, the European Commission approved the "European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (Convergence Objective) operational programme for Brandenburg for the period 2007 to 2013". This programme constitutes Community support for Brandenburg under the "convergence" objective. The overall budget of the programme comprises some EUR 2 billion, with EU assistance from the ERDF amounting to approximately EUR 1.498 billion (around 5 % all the EU funding from the Structural Fund to be invested in Germany in the period 2007-2013).
  • 3. 
    Aims and objectives of the EU investment

In accordance with the Lisbon Strategy, the primary goal of the support is to strengthen regional competitiveness and to create and secure permanent jobs through economic growth.

The Brandenburg ERDF programme 2007-2013 will help to strengthen the innovation capabilities of businesses and to further expand the technology and education infrastructure. Equal opportunities and environmental protection are also to be promoted and support given to sustainable urban development. Special attention is to be given to the challenge presented by demographic trends when implementing the support measures.

The operational programme seeks to enhance competitive and innovative capabilities, and particularly those of SMEs. Investment in research and development will contribute to raising the profile of Brandenburg as a business location.

  • 4. 
    The anticipated impact of the investment

Among other things, the programme aims to support some 150 technology-based new enterprises, to promote 650 projects on the rational use of energy and renewable energy sources, and to create around 7 500 jobs by stimulating productive investment. In addition, the programme plans to co-finance around 60 projects involving cooperation between science and business and to invest some EUR 40 million in information and communication technologies in the field of "e-government".

  • 5. 

In order to achieve the main objectives as set out under point 4, Brandenburg's ERDF Operational Programme 2007-2013 is structured around the following priorities:

Priority 1: Promoting investment and innovation processes in enterprises

The primary objective under this priority is to safeguard existing competitive enterprises and to create favourable conditions for their expansion, business start-ups and relocations. The strategic approach lies in combining financial assistance for investment in the development of modern plants and for technical and organisational innovations with the provision of advice for both existing firms and start-ups, thereby generating an integrated overall approach. The industrial assistance provided rests on two pillars: the growth programme for small and medium-sized businesses and the focus on business specialisations and specific areas of competence.

Priority 2: Developing infrastructure geared to innovation, technology and education

The priority concentrates on Brandenburg's development strategy in the field of science and education, targeting infrastructural support for growth, innovation and employment. Closely connected to this is the promotion of knowledge transfer to the economy and technological infrastructure to improve exploitation of the R&D potential for business development.

A further concern is investment in promoting the information society: this involves plans for education and training infrastructures and information and communications infrastructures in public administrations (e-government), in connection with developing businesses and human resources.

Priority 3: Business, tourism and transport infrastructures

The strategic objective under the third priority of the operational programme is to further develop and adapt the location and potential of the infrastructure in Brandenburg to generate growth and employment and sustainable economic development.

Promotion of infrastructure geared to the needs of the economy is aimed primarily at providing infrastructural support for industrial and commercial development. In the context of potential infrastructural factors, a key role is played by the promotion of transport infrastructure, whose regional structure and integration in transregional networks is not only a central prerequisite to improving competitiveness overall, but also a basic requirement for achieving a better concentration of overall (infrastructure) support, with regard to improved accessibility between growth centres.

Investment in tourism is set to improve quality standards and develop new, innovative and high-quality services in the tourist industry.

Priority 4: The environment and urban development

Promotion of the urban dimension under this priority is an across-the-board initiative expressly targeting the existing problems and potential of the inner cities and suburbs within urban areas, thereby continuing the integrated development approach of the Community initiative URBAN (the URBAN acquis). The 12-15 cities in Brandenburg eligible for funding under the operational programme must firstly submit sustainable, integrated urban development concepts as part of a competition procedure. The best concepts will then be selected by the Brandenburg Government and co-financed with ERDF funds.

With regard to the environment, the programme seeks to improve the framework conditions for environmental infrastructure that hitherto have stood in the way of economic development, growth and employment. Specific local promotion needs were identified as part of an analysis in the fields of drinking water supply and waste water disposal, waste management and residual waste disposal, in addition to protection from emissions and limiting of energy-related environmental pollution.

Priority 5: Technical assistance

Funding has also been allocated for technical assistance for the implementation of the programme, including measures relating to the preparation, administration, supervision, assessment, information and monitoring of the operational programme.

Moreover, it should also be possible to allocate part of the ERDF funds (EUR 5-10 million) to testing out new support methods and practices. These experimental possibilities are to serve as trials for projects and concepts, in order to select those that are successful to be implemented more widely in later years of the operational programme.

  • 6. 
    Managing authority:

Ministry of Economic Affairs for Brandenburg, Department 16

Ms Vera Viehrig

Heinrich-Mann-Allee 107,

14473 Potsdam

Tel.: + +49 331 866 1713

Fax: + +49 331 866 1590



  • 7. 
    Title: "ERDF (Convergence Objective) Brandenburg Operational Programme 2007-2013"

Type of action: operational programme

CCI No.: 2007 DE 16 1 PO 002

Commission Decision No: C(2007)4246

Date approved: 07.09.2007

  • 8. 
    Financial resources for each priority


EU funding

National Government funding

National private-sector funding

Total funding

  • 1. 
    Promoting investment and innovation processes in enterprises



659 557 936

131 911 587

87 941 058

879 410 581

  • 2. 
    Developing infrastructure geared to innovation, technology and education



255 500 000

70 771 667

14 395 000

340 666 667

  • 3. 
    Business, tourism and transport infrastructures



330 220 001

103 073 334

7 000 000

440 293 335

  • 4. 
    The environment and urban development



223 479 999

64 426 666

10 066 667

297 973 332

  • 5. 
    Technical assistance



29 974 652

9 991 551


39 966 203


1 498 732 588

380 174 805

119 402 725

1 998 310 118