Regionaal programma Duitsland 2007-2013: Saarland (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 27 november 2007.
  • 1. 
    "ERDF Saarland Operational Programme 2007-2013" Programme involving participation by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the objective "Regional Competitiveness and Employment"

[ Figures and graphics available in PDF and WORD PROCESSED ][ Figures and graphics available in PDF and WORD PROCESSED ]

  • 2. 
    On 8 August 2007, the European Commission approved a regional development programme for the Saarland covering the period 2007-2013, the "ERDF Saarland Operational Programme - Regional Competitiveness and Employment 2007-2013". This programme constitutes Community support for the Saarland under the objective "Regional Competitiveness and Employment". The overall budget of the programme amounts to some EUR 529 million, and the Community assistance from the ERDF comes to approximately EUR 198 million (0.74 % of all the EU funding invested in Germany under the cohesion policy for 2007-2013).
  • 3. 
    Aims and objectives of EU investment

The primary goal of the programme is to improve regional competitiveness and employment in the Saarland. The objective is to strengthen and diversify the Saarland's economy, to enhance its competitiveness through innovation and make the region more appealing by improving the profile of its location and business environment.

The Saarland's development strategy for using ERDF funding reflects the objectives set out in Lisbon and Gothenburg. The ERDF programme for the Saarland is also designed to stimulate equal opportunities, to ensure non-discrimination and to boost sustainable and environmentally-friendly development.

The operational programme seeks to reinforce the enterprise base through growth-oriented measures, to stimulate structural change through knowledge-based business, innovation and development of specific strengths, and to support sustainable urban and regional development and the protection of resources.

  • 4. 
    The anticipated impact of the investment

Among other goals, the programme seeks to create more than 2 400 new jobs, to provide further qualifications for approximately 5 000 persons and to assist some 750 000 people as part of integrated urban development projects for sustainable development.

  • 5. 
    Priority axes

In order to achieve the main objectives of the programme as set out under point 4, the Saarland's ERDF operational programme for 2007-2013 is structured in terms of the following priority axes:

Priority axis 1: Promoting competitiveness through growth and entrepreneurial measures to reinforce the enterprise base

This priority axis entails boosting entrepreneurship by reinforcing the support given to start-ups and existing firms, so as to further stimulate action to tackle remaining structural distortions in the Saarland. This is part of the "Saarland Offensive for Start-ups" and involves the use of the latest instruments of business funding and business services and measures to improve the business environment, such as cluster promotion, infrastructures tailored to the needs of the economy, or the promotion of eco-audits.

Priority axis 2: Stimulating structural change through knowledge-based business, innovation and development of specific strengths

The purpose of this priority axis is to gear the structure of the economy to knowledge-based areas by continuing targeted development of the competences found in firms and research and scientific facilities. This is effected, in particular, by reinforcing the innovation base of firms, promoting R&D capabilities and plans carried out by individual firms or in collaboration with other firms, and other forms of knowledge transfer. In addition, a testing ground provides the opportunity to try out new promotion concepts.

Priority axis 3: Sustainable urban and regional development and resources protection

This priority axis supports plans for sustainable urban development, development of tourism infrastructures by enhancing natural and cultural heritage to foster additional potential for growth, and projects on future sources of energy and resource protection.

Priority axis 4: Technical assistance

Funding has also been allocated for technical assistance for the implementation of the programme, including measures relating to the preparation, administration, supervision, assessment, information and monitoring of the operational programme.

  • 6. 
    Managing authority:

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Labour

Franz-Josef-Röder-Str. 17

D-66119 Saarbrücken

Programme planning / Department D/1

Stefan Lang

Tel: +49-681-501-4181

Fax: +49-681-501-4293


ERDF managing authority / Department A/6

Klaus Kosok

Tel: +49-681-501-1659

Fax: +49-681-501-1804



  • 7. 
    Title: "ERDF Saarland Operational Programme. Regional Competitiveness and Employment 2007-2013"

Type of action: operational programme

CCI No.: 2007 DE 162 PO 002

Commission Decision No: C/2007/3889

Date approved: 08/08/2007

  • 8. 
    Financial resources for each priority axis

Priority axes

EU funding

National Government funding

National private-sector funding

Total funding

  • 1. 
    Promoting competitiveness through growth and entrepreneurial measures to reinforce the enterprise base




59 965 437

52 465 437

122 854 702

235 285 576

  • 2. 
    Stimulating structural change through knowledge-based business, innovation and development of specific strengths




64 000 000

43 300 000

36 200 000

143 500 000

  • 3. 
    Sustainable urban and regional development and resource protection




68 547 000

68 547 000

2 621 000

139 715 000

  • 4. 
    Technical assistance




5 000 000

5 000 000


10 000 000


197 512 437

169 312 437

161 675 702

528 500 576