Katerina Batzeli gekozen tot voorzitter van de cultuur en onderwijscommissie van het EP

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 13 november 2007.

Katerina Batzeli (PES, EL) is the new chairwoman of the Committee on Culture and Education, elected Monday evening by acclamation. Ms Batzeli, who was the sole candidate, replaces Nikolaos Sifunakis (PES, EL), who was elected to the Greek Parliament in September. Ms Batzeli took the opportunity to outline her committee's priorities.

"The current circumstances are offering important challenges to The Committee on Culture and Education. In its work programme for 2008, the Commission has included several key priorities, in the fulfilment of which our Committee should and can play a crucial role," said Ms Batzeli after her election.

Multicultural dialogue

Citing the European Year for Multicultural Dialogue in 2008 as a key priority, Ms Batzeli said "our contribution to that discussion is more crucial than ever, especially in view of the forthcoming Green Paper on Migration and Education and the Communication on multilingualism" she said, adding that the reform treaty and the strategy for communicating with European citizens will also be of great importance to the committee's work.

Education and training

In the field of education and training, Ms Batzeli underlined that the committee's wish to enhance and develop new ways to promote education, training, research and innovation within the EU links directly into discussion on the retargeting of Lisbon priorities.

Creativity and innovation

"Our Committee has already shown its support and commitment into innovative industries, such as the culture industries, with important positive impact to EU's economy and should continue to do so. Simultaneously we must come up with new creative ideas in view of the European Year of Creativity and Innovation in 2009," she concluded.


Committee on Culture and Education

In the chair : Katerina Batzeli (PES, EL)


REF.: 20071112IPR12881