Congres over gelijke kansen op de Azoren, 15-16 november 2007 (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Portugees voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2007 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 7 november 2007.

The European Union declared 2007 as the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All, towards a More Just Society. The objectives seek to make the public and the authorities aware of the advantages of a more just and supportive society. In order to achieve such goals, it would be necessary to identify the obstacles to a real equality and to set new measures in motion. Simultaneously, another measure intends to make the public aware that it is important to increase actions to combat discriminatory measures and inform people of their legal rights and obligations.

The Azorean Government is keen on being a part of this European Year of Equal Opportunities, by approving its goals and by promoting an International Congress, which aim is to reflect upon the obstacles that the Portuguese society - especially the Azores - has to face.

The objectives of this Congress are:

  • to bring up the main levels in which equal opportunities are not occurring; 
  • to identify the different motives for discrimination, deconstruct stereotypes and identify gaps in the measures geared towards equal opportunities;
  • to exchange information on experiences and positive action against discrimination and on the increase of equal opportunities situations;
  • to identify measures and processes for action.

Five main areas of work and proposals for the International Congress on Equal Opportunities for all were identified:

  • Equality of Cultures, by deepening the dimensions of today's society multiculturalism and by stressing the richness of diversity, while at the same time identifying the obstacles for a better intercultural sociability; 
  • Gender Equality, where several issues are debated, namely different sex stereotypes, male and female roles at home or at work, the differences in the work market and salaries and occupation of time, and there will also be a debate on sharing measures between work and family life; 
  • Equal Rights, where the dimensions of equality before the law and its concretization are debated;
  • Equality on accessibility and mobility, by bringing to the centre of attention the city as a stage for collective life and by deepening the feeling that we are equal yet different and that territories must adapt to that diversity, whether by means of accessibility for older citizens, the handicapped, etc. 
  • Equal access to Education, new Technologies and Employment: today, one of the biggest factors causing inequalities is access conditions to the work market where, because of training, access to information technologies or research areas, everything can be either jeopardized or gained.