Bulgarije moet meer doen tegen misbruik geweld door politie zegt Raad van Europa (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van Europa (RvE) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 25 oktober 2007.

Press Release - 723(2007)

Bulgaria: call for further measures to prevent ill-treatment by the police

Strasbourg, 25.10.2007 - At their 1007th meeting (15-17 October 2007), the Committee of Ministers adopted an Interim Resolution assessing Bulgaria's implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights concerning in particular ill-treatment inflicted by the police, including three deaths, and the lack of an effective investigation into these facts (Velikova v. Bulgaria, judgment of 18 May 2000 and seven other cases).

The Committee's Interim Resolution took note with interest of the measures already taken by the Bulgarian authorities, in particular the improvement of professional training for police forces and the legislative reform providing for judicial review of public prosecutors' decisions to close criminal proceedings. The Committee noted that additional measures remain to be taken in the field of professional training for all members of police forces, procedural guarantees during detention on remand and guarantees for the independence of investigations regarding allegations of ill-treatment inflicted by the police.

The Committee called upon the Government of Bulgaria to rapidly adopt all outstanding measures and to regularly inform the Committee of Ministers on the practical impact of the adopted measures. They also called the Government for the rapid adoption of all necessary measures aimed at remedying fully the individual situation of each applicant concerned by these cases.

The full text of Interim Resolution

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The information submitted to the Committee and its decisions are public. Interim Resolutions and decisions adopted on important and urgent issues become public at the end of the meeting. The other decisions adopted and the annotated agenda containing information on the progress in the execution of judgments are made public some weeks after the meeting. These documents together with more comprehensive information on the execution of judgments by the member states are available on http://www.coe.int/t/cm/home_en.asp or http://www.coe.int/Human_rights/execution/ .

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