Informele vergadering raad landbouw en visserij op 8 tot 10 oktober (en)
The General Directors of the Veterinary Services from the 27 Member States of the European Union (EU) meet on 8 to 10 October, in Lisbon, in an informal meeting within the ambit of the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union.
During this meeting, to which four General Directors from other countries outside the European Union, representatives of the Council and the European Commission and leaders of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) were invited, there will be debates on several strategic issues for the development of animal production in Europe, sanitary protection in the industry and also questions related to European legislation now being prepared.
The Minister for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries, Jaime Silva, presides at the opening ceremony of this informal meeting, which takes place next Monday, 8 October, at 10:00 at the Permanent Venue of the Portuguese Presidency, in Pavilhao Atlântico, Lisbon.
Click here to k now more about this meeting.