Raad van Europa stelt 12 nieuwe rechters aan bij Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens (en)
Press release - 645(2007)
PACE elects twelve judges to the European Court of Human Rights
Strasbourg, 03.10.2007 - The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), meeting this week in plenary session in Strasbourg, yesterday elected twelve judges to the European Court of Human Rights. They are the following:
Ledi Bianku, in respect of Albania, for a period which begins 1February 2008 and ends 31 January 2014
Josep Casadevall Medrano, in respect of Andorra, for a period which begins 1November 2007 and ends 31 October 2013
Alvina Gyulumyan, in respect of Armenia, for a period which begins 1November 2007 and ends 31 October 2013
Elisabeth Steiner, in respect of Austria, for a period which begins 1November 2007 and ends 31 October 2013
George Nicolaou, in respect of Cyprus, for a period which begins 1February 2008 and ends 31 January 2014
Peer Lorenzen, in respect of Denmark, for a period which begins 1November 2007 and ends 31 October 2013
Nona Tsotsoria, in respect of Georgia, for a period which begins 1February 2008 and ends 31 January 2014
András Sajó, in respect of Hungary, for a period which begins 1February 2008 and ends 31 January 2014
Vladimiro Zagrebelsky, in respect of Italy, for a period which begins 1November 2007 and ends 31 October 2013
Corneliu Bîrsan, in respect of Romania, for a period which begins 1November 2007 and ends 31 October 2013
Luis López Guerra, in respect of Spain, for a period which begins 1February 2008 and ends 31 January 2014
Mirjana Lazarova Trajkovska, in respect of "the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", for a period which begins 1February 2008 and ends 31 January 2014.
Judges are elected by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe from lists of three candidates nominated by each State which has ratified the European Convention on Human Rights. Judges are elected for six years and can be re-elected.
Links to the results of the vote and the CVs of candidates .
Contacts for the press:
-Communication Unit of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe,
tel; +33 3 88 41 31 93, pace.com@coe.int ; http://assembly.coe.int
-Press and Public Relations Unit of the European Court of Human Rights,
tel. +33 3 88 41 21 54, press@echr.coe.int , http://www.echr.coe.int