Lof hernieuwde betrokkenheid Turkije bij hervormingsproces, maar twijfel blijft (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 3 oktober 2007.

The Foreign Affairs committee has welcomed the recent elections in Turkey, especially the new government's renewed commitment to reforms. In a resolution adopted on Wednesday, exactly two years after the accession negotiations with Turkey began, the committee also indicated areas in which further progress was still necessary, especially concerning the content of upcoming constitutional reforms.

The resolution on EU-Turkey relations, drafted by Ria Oomen-Ruijten (EPP-ED, NL) and adopted without opposition, congratulates Turkey on its recent legislative elections, and "welcome[s] the election of the new President as a sign of strength of the Turkish democracy." It also welcomes "the commitment of the new government to enhance the reform process in the coming months and years," as well as "the intention of the new Turkish government to adopt a new and civilian constitution which would protect fundamental human rights and freedoms."

Members support the opening of negotiations on the energy chapter, and encourage Turkey to join the European Energy Community, given the country's importance as a transit hub for gas supplies. They also note that "accession negotiations with Turkey were opened" exactly one year ago this day (Wednesday), adding that they are "the starting point for an open-ended process."

Political reforms

The report strongly condemns the murders of Hrant Dink and Andrea Santoro, and "underlines the urgent need to efficiently combat all types of extremism and violence." The Committee stresses that "further efforts are needed to ensure full and effective civilian control over the military," and calls for parliamentary supervision of the secret services, gendarmerie, and police forces, as well. The report "deplores that a number of persons is still being prosecuted under Article 301 of the penal code" and regards the freedom of expression and the freedom of the press as "a number one priority of the government."

The report urges the Turkish government "to implement the provisions stemming from the Association Agreement and its Additional Protocol," noting specifically in relation to the Cyprus question that "the withdrawal of Turkish forces would facilitate the negotiation of a settlement." While strongly condemning the violence perpetrated by the PKK, the report "urges the new government to launch a political initiative favouring a lasting settlement of the Kurdish issue," and points out the need for a "comprehensive strategy for the social-economic development of the South East of Turkey." MEPs in the committee also underline the need to "pursue the fight against terrorism proportionate to the threat, and with full commitment towards international legal instruments," and call on Turkey to refrain from violating Iraq's territory.


The text asks the Commission to provide "targeted support to civil society," with particular attention to the South East of the country. MEPs in the committee also ask the Commission to report specifically on the implementation and effectiveness of the financial support instrument to the Turkish Cypriot community. Finally, the report calls for the Commission to publish the results of its monitoring of political criteria in its forthcoming progress report, including the following aspects: judiciary reforms, combating corruption, respect for fundamental rights and freedoms, implementation of the zero-tolerance-to-torture policy, and the protection of women and minority, religious, and cultural rights.

The Commission and the Council will make a statement on EU-Turkey relations to the plenary session of the Parliament on 24 October, in Strasbourg, to be followed by a debate with MEPs. The resolution from the Foreign Affairs Committee will be put to the vote during the same session, in advance of the Commission's annual progress report on Turkey's accession, which is due to be published on 7 November.