Eerste Bulgaarse programma structuurfondsen goedgekeurd (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 27 september 2007.

Bulgaria's first Operational Programme (OP) for investment from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) gets the green light today in Brussels. The programme, worth a total of € 988 million, is the first of seven. The rest should be adopted before the end of the year. Regional Policy Commissioner Danuta Hübner and Bulgarian Prime Minister Mr Sergei Stanishev will sign the programme, entitled Development of the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy, at a ceremony that marks the official start of Cohesion Policy in Bulgaria for the years 2007-2013.

Commissioner Danuta Hübner congratulated the Bulgarian authorities. Commenting on the adoption ahead of the signing, she said: "This new programme marks a turning point for cohesion policy in Bulgaria compared to the pre-accession period. It will directly boost competitiveness and develop research activities both in the public and the private sectors. It is excellent news that 70% of the budget will be invested in measures connected to the Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs."

The Bulgarian Prime Minister and his Minister for Finance, Mr Plamen Oresharski, are also taking part in the debate on the future of regional policy at the Cohesion Forum which takes place in Brussels today and tomorrow, 27-28 September.

Notes for Editors

The approval of this first operational programme follows the validation of the Bulgarian National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) on 20 June 2007.

Total budget: This investment of € 988 million represents 15 % of EU investment for Bulgaria up to 2013. The total budget for the programme is € 1.16 billion, with € 988 million from the ERDF and the balance contributed by Bulgaria.

Focus on innovation, competitiveness: The aim is to support the development of Bulgarian enterprises, especially their innovation potential. The authorities plan to raise expenditure on Research and Development (R&D) by 0.64% up to 1.15 % of GDP by 2013. This will support the promotion of foreign investment in Bulgaria and improve the export potential of the economy. The programme will help to develop new financial instruments and better access to risk capital for small and medium enterprises. This last objective will be implemented through JEREMIE, the Commission's new joint initiative with the European Investment Bank.

Cohesion Policy in Bulgaria will be developed through seven operational programmes in total, two of which are supported by the European Social Fund (ESF). Six programmes are still under discussion and should be adopted before the end of 2007.

Growth and jobs: More than 60 % of investment for the Convergence objective (totalling € 6.67 billion) have been earmarked for expenditure on measures to promote jobs and growth in line with the Lisbon strategy. Projects will focus on information and communication technologies, research and development, renewable energies and support to small and medium enterprises.

Territorial cooperation: €179 million has been allocated for this objective. In particular, Bulgaria will take part in a cross-border programme with Romania, and in a transnational programme called "South-East Europe".

Project selection: Now that this first OP has been launched, the implementation of the policy and selection of specific projects can start on the ground, led by the Bulgarian Ministry of Economy and Energy.

For more information on the programme:

See the accompanying MEMO/07/387: Bulgaria - Operational programme 2007-2013: "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" and the following Website