Toegevoegd staatssecretaris van Binnenlandse zaken Magalhaes ontmoet Slovaakse collega's (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Portugees voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2007 i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 20 juli 2007.

The Secretary of State Assistant and for Internal Administration José Magalhaes will travel to Bratislava on 20th and 21st July, on invitation by his Slovak counterparts for the Interior, with the aim of reaffirming the strong support by the Portuguese Presidency to the implementation and entry into force of SISone4ALL.

The Council of Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) adopted unanimously, on 6th December 2006, the implementation of the technological application SISone4ALL. This system was born from a Portuguese initiative which brought together experts from Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras (Aliens and Borders Service) and Critical Software. Its objective is the abolition of checks at the EU internal borders, so as to contribute to the establishment of a genuine European area of freedom, security and justice.

In parallel with the several technical meetings on this new system's implementation, the JHA Council determined that a high-level political monitoring would be vital, so as to assure the abolition of checks at land and sea borders until 31st December 2007 and the abolition of checks at air borders on 31st March 2008.

It is recalled that, in May of this year, a ministerial meeting on this subject was hosted by the Government of Poland, in Warsaw.