Het moet voor EU-burgers buiten de EU makkelijker worden aan de Europarlementsverkiezingen mee te doen (en)
A Commission proposal that would make it easier for EU citizens to stand or vote in European Parliament elections while living in Member States other than their own was endorsed by the Constitutional Affairs Committee on Tuesday. However, the committee's consultation report also inserts two new provisions to improve the portability of electoral rights within the EU: one on multiple candidatures and the other on deprivation of electoral rights.
First, the committee proposes abolishing the current prohibition on standing for election in more than one Member State, provided that the country of residence permits multiple candidatures. Second, it seeks to ensure that the country of residence is not automatically obliged to prevent a citizen from voting if he or she has been deprived of his or her electoral rights in another Member State. The committee felt that in both cases, it should be up to the Member States concerned to decide, case by case, so as to prevent discrimination.
Boosting turnout
Rapporteur Andrew Duff (ALDE, UK) believes that the present system discourages people from exercising their electoral rights as EU citizens, and notes that the turnout in European Parliamentary elections fell from 63% in 1979 to 46% in 2004. The committee hopes that by amending the proposal, it can boost the number of people choosing to exercise their electoral rights to the full.
No discrimination
The committee report aims to "make sure that all Member States respect equal opportunities for all EU citizens", noted Mr Duff. EU citizenship, which confers certain electoral rights, was established by the Maastricht Treaty of 1993. This stipulates that any citizen has the right to stand and vote in European Parliament elections in the Member State where he or she resides, under the same conditions as nationals of that state.
Information exchange isn't working
The Commission's proposal aims to ease the administrative obstacles that an EU citizen faces when voting or standing for the European Parliament election in a Member State other than his own. In particular, it proposes abolishing the information exchange system currently used by Member States' electoral authorities, on the grounds that it has proven too cumbersome to work properly.
Committee on Constitutional Affairs
In the Chair : Johannes Voggenhuber (Greens/EFA, AT)
Committee on Constitutional Affairs
Procedure: Consultation
Vote in Plenary: July, Strasbourg
REF.: 20070625IPR08242 |