EU-commissie keurt plannen Bulgarije voor Lissabon-strategie goed (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 22 juni 2007.

Regional policy Commissioner Danuta Hübner i and Employment and social affairs Commissioner Vladimír Spidla i have reached agreement with Bulgaria on its national plan and priorities for Cohesion policy 2007-2013.

In their National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) the Bulgarian authorities describe how they are going to invest EU funding worth € 6.8 billion over seven years in line with the so-called Lisbon agenda. The adoption procedure has now been completed, with a Commission decision on the Bulgarian framework, including its priorities, indicative annual allocations, and list of operational programmes.

" I am very happy that the Bulgarian framework includes a solid commitment to the Lisbon strategy for jobs and growth. More than 60% of the investments have been "earmarked" for Lisbon related expenditure. This is the proof of Bulgaria's commitment to the Lisbon Strategy. I am confident that we can make an important contribution to improving the competitiveness of the Bulgarian regions through this new generation of cohesion programmes ", said Danuta Hübner.

According to Commissioner Spidla: " The Bulgarian strategy contains a strong commitment to promoting investments in human resources. This shows once again that more and better jobs lie at the heart of the European reform agenda. With the priorities chosen by Bulgaria, it will be easier for workers to find a job and improve their skills. The strategy will also promote social inclusion."

Notes for editors

The NSRF sets out how Bulgaria plans to invest the € 6.8 billion (in current prices) that Bulgaria is entitled to under EU cohesion policy in the 2007-2013 programming period ( ).

The aim is to ensure that by 2013, Bulgaria becomes a competitive EU economy with a high quality of life, incomes and social awareness. The goals set are

(a) to strengthen the competitiveness of the economy to achieve high and sustainable growth and

(b) to develop human capital to ensure higher employment, income and social integration. 

These medium-term goals are translated into four national strategic priorities, three thematic (basic infrastructure, human capital, business environment & good governance) and one territorial (balanced territorial development) and into seven operational programmes. 

The NSRF presents a policy mix, focusing on sectors of direct relevance to EU key policies, including transport infrastructure, environmental protection, energy, business innovation, regional development and administrative reform. 

The negotiations on the operational programmes between the Bulgarian authorities and the European Commission are well-advanced and the programmes are expected to be approved in autumn 2007.

In drawing up their NSRFs, all Member States must take account of the Community guidelines for 2007-2013 which place particular emphasis on innovation, research and technological development, the information society, environmental protection, renewable energy sources and creating more and better jobs. The NSRF must also tie in closely with Member States' national reform programmes which set out the measures they will implement to deliver the Lisbon jobs' and growth strategy.

The Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs has two foundations.

  • 1. 
    Partnership designed to ensure real ownership of the strategy at all levels in Europe.
  • 2. 
    A policy programme to modernise the European economy and offer the social systems needed to meet the challenges of globalisation by shifting policies towards research and innovation, resource and energy efficiency, freeing up of SMEs, entrepreneurship and education, investment in human capital and modernisation of labour markets together with securing funding for high levels of social protection for the future.

Further information about European Regional Policy available at:

For more information on the European Social Fund see: