Turkije en EU spreken in juni over energiebeleid (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 1 juni 2007.

Underlying the strategic importance of EU-Turkish co-operation in energy, Commissioner for Enlargement Olli Rehn i and Commissioner for Energy Andris Piebalgs i will address a high-level Energy Conference on Tuesday, 5 June in Istanbul, organised jointly by the Commission and the Turkish authorities. Chief Negotiator Ali Babacan and Energy Minister Güler will also participate to the conference

"The EU and Turkey share essential strategic interests e.g. in security, economy and dialogue of civilisations. That is one of the reasons why the EU decided to open negotiations for membership with Turkey. Our joint energy conference in Istanbul is a great opportunity to discuss energy strategy, which is an area where both the EU and Turkey can gain from deeper cooperation.", said Olli Rehn, Commissioner for Enlargement, ahead of the conference.

Commissioner for Energy, Andris Piebalgs added: "Turkey and the EU both have much to gain from closer energy co-operation. Turkey can help the EU secure its energy supply, while integration into the EU's internal energy market will enable Turkey to build the domestic energy market and infrastructure needed for its rapid economic growth."

Securing reliable and affordable energy supplies is a major challenge for Europe today. There is an urgent need for diversification and investment. Turkey has a key role to play in the diversification of energy supply routes to Europe. In preparing for accession negotiations, Turkey has already taken great strides in aligning its energy market with EU internal market rules. The full liberalisation of this rapidly growing market will create a strong domestic energy market for the benefit of Turkish consumers, and will also bring significant further investment opportunities for business.

The Conference "Turkey and the EU: Together for a European Energy Policy" brings together key political and economic actors to discuss the common challenges and opportunities which both the EU and Turkey face in seeking to ensure their future energy security. Speakers include: the European Commissioner for Enlargement Olli Rehn, the Commissioner for Energy Andris Piebalgs, Minister of State and Chief Negotiator Ali Babacan and Energy Minister Hilmi Güler, as well as executives from major European oil and gas companies, energy experts and representatives from EU Member States.

The conference will take place on 5 June in Istanbul from 9.30am to 6 pm, Conrad Hotel.

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