Voorzitter van het Europees Parlement Pöttering wil nader onderzoek mandaat Poolse europarlementariër (en)
The President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering, has made a statement on the case of Bronis?aw Geremek MEP, who is facing a legal challenge in Poland to his mandate.
Hans-Gert Pöttering said:
"So far the European Parliament has not received any information from the Polish authorities in relation to Mr Geremek's mandate.
Mr Geremek is a political personality of the highest esteem who has always stood up for democracy in his country and for European unification. We will examine all legal possibilities that he can continue his work.
According to our information the Polish Constitutional Court is currently examining the law on which the withdrawal of the mandate of Mr Geremek is based. A decision of the Court is expected during the next weeks.
I have asked the Legal Services of European Parliament to examine the exact legal situation. The Conference of Presidents will discuss the matter further at its meeting tomorrow."
REF.: 20070425IPR05868 |