EU-regelgeving gepubliceerd in het Bulgaars en Roemeens (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 23 februari 2007.

A provisional edition of finalised versions in Bulgarian and Romanian of European Union Regulations has been made available by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (OPOCE) both on paper and as a DVD. Regulations constitute a part of the acquis communautaire, or "secondary legislation", which is directly applicable, without being transposed into national legislation. They are binding law in the Member States as they stand.

Meticulous finalisation of the European Union's existing law in the languages of the new Member States is not accomplished overnight. The Publications Office was at the forefront in starting to prepare the publication of the secondary legislation in 2005 with the help of 24 Bulgarian and Romanian proofreaders taking up their duty in Luxembourg. The actual translation work was carried out in the national translation coordination units of the accession countries themselves. The documents were then finalised by the Legal Services of the European institutions and forwarded to the Publications Office to be published in their `raw' form on EUR-Lex, the online access to European law. A provisional edition of Regulations, published on 22 December 2006, is also available on paper and as a DVD.

The acquis communautaire, comprises topics such as Union citizenship, Community policies and Economic and Monetary Union. It can be defined as the corpus of the legislative acts adopted by the European institutions and still in force, the ephemeral legislation being excluded. Secondary legislation is classified according to the 20 chapters of the Directory of Community legislation in force and sorted in chronological order to fit into the volumes of the Special Edition of the Official Journal. Provisional documents in Bulgarian and Romanian will continue to be available in EUR-Lex until all final versions are published in the Special Edition. The Publications Office will then undertake another major project with a view to consolidating the legislation in force in Bulgarian and Romanian and having this user-friendly version available online by the end of 2008.

With Bulgarian, a new alphabet _ Cyrillic _ enters the EU, which will expand not only the text font `EU Albertina', which was developed especially for the Official Journal, but also our linguistic and cultural diversity: as of 1 January 2007 European law is published daily in 23 official languages and in three different alphabets.

Contacts and references:

Publications Office / Dissemination: Heli Lehtimäki, tel. (352) 29 29-1

Publications Office website:

EUR-Lex - Central access point to EU law :

EU Bookshop - Single access point to all EU publications:

TED _ Invitations to tender:

CORDIS Community Research and Development Information Service:

Office for Official Publications of the European Communities

2, rue Mercier, L-2985 Luxembourg, Tel. (352) 29 29-1

The Office for Official Publications of the European Communities is the publishing house of the European Union. It produces and disseminates the publications and information material on all media and by all means on behalf of the European institutions, agencies and other bodies. It does so simultaneously in 20 languages and more.