Wallström bemiddelt in Zweeds EU-schandaal inzake verkoop van thuisgebakken cake (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 30 augustus 2006.
Auteur: | By Helena Spongenberg

Swedish EU communication commissioner Margot Wallstrom i has weighed in to calm tempers at home over Brussels regulation on cake-baking, stressing the rules apply only to commercial-scale production.

The row broke out in the town of Molby when a zealous local food inspector tried to stop people from selling home-made sugar cakes, tarts and cinnamon buns in a Christian book cafe.

The inspector claimed that under the EU's provision directive, only cakes that had been baked in authorised production facilities could be served up to the public.

The small incident turned into a national debate when Swedish liberal MEP Lena Ek called for mass defiance, saying "I call on all to commit disobedience. Bake buns and sell them!" Swedish daily Svenska Dagbladet reports.

"In the UK there would have been an outcry if such harsh rules had made for bed-and-breakfasts, but in Sweden it was even discussed if the law should apply to those baking a cake for their own mother," she said.

On Monday (28 August), Ms Wallstrom took matters into her own hands with a formal statement encouraging people to keep on baking for churches, schools and charities.

The commission's health spokesman, Philip Todd added "The rules are only for commercial actors and to protect people's health."

"There are also extensive exceptions and flexibility from the rules, as for example with smaller cafés and other small companies to make it easier for them," he told Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter.

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