Commissie Ecosoc/Bulgarije: uitbreiding is 'win-win-situatie' (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité (EESC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 18 augustus 2006, 14:05.

The 14th EU-Bulgaria Joint Consultative Committee, chaired jointly by Dr Hristov for the Bulgarian ESC and Mr Malosse for the EESC was held in Brussels on 18 July in order to accompany the lasts preparatory steps before accession. The Committee also discussed chances and challenges of a future Bulgarian entry in the Euro zone.

Dr Hristovopened the meeting and expressed the hope that Bulgaria will tackle the remaining obstacles in order to join the EU in January 2007 and start working in the EESC. Mr Hristov reiterated the need to involve civil society actors in the decision-making in Bulgaria

Mr Malosseunderlined that enlargement is a win-win situation for both the old and the new members states. For Bulgaria this could mean more investment, innovation and sustained economic growth. With 27 countries, the EU is also becoming more visible on the world scene. The Bulgarian traditions and history will enrich the common European identity.

Mr Gobeauxfrom the European Commission referred to Bulgaria taking "the middle of the last step" before the EU accession. It is hoped that the September report will be positive and Bulgaria will join the EU as planned on 1 January 2007.

Adoption of the Euro as opportunity and challenge

The main topic of the meeting was the adoption of the Euro as an economic opportunity and a challenge for Bulgaria after the EU accession. With many economic benefits deriving from the Euro zone integration, Bulgarian government has committed to joining the Euro zone as soon as possible after the EU accession. This, indeed, should be possible if prudent fiscal policy is continued and the inflation level is brought down to the Maastricht criteria.

The JCC members agreed that Member States have to ensure the long-term stability of the euro area in order to benefit from its full potential to generate growth and employment. Concerns were expressed that a country's eligibility for participation in the euro area is based exclusively on Maastricht criteria, which define progress in the area of nominal convergence, but can be at odds with real convergence as reflected in productivity, employment and income convergence.

The participants underlined that there is a need for a well-planned strategy for EMU entry. Sustained public information and communication campaign, as well as close consultation with social partners and other civil society organisations are integral elements for a successful communication strategy. The Bulgarian ESC would be a suitable platform for launching a debate among the parties concerned.

The JCC decided that this should be the last JCC meeting, provided that the EC Monitoring Report and the Council decision in October 2006 will be positive. In the meantime, the JCC will continue to monitor political developments regarding Bulgaria's accession to the EU.

For Information:

The EU-Bulgaria Joint Consultative Committee is a joint body, which aims at promoting dialogue and cooperation between the organised civil society in the European Union and Bulgaria. The JCC brings together the economic and social partners represented in the Bulgarian Economic and Social Council and the EU civil society organisations represented in the European Economic and Social Committee. The JCC comprises six members on both sides representing various civil society organisations.

For more information on the JCC EU-Bulgaria visit our website:

For further information please contact:

Karel Govaert or , EESC Press Office

99 rue Belliard, B-1040 Brussels

Tel.: 02 546 9396/9586; Mobile: 0475 753 202

