Bureau voor personeelsselectie start werving Bulgaren en Roemenen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Bureau voor personeelsselectie van de Europese Gemeenschappen (EPSO) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 30 juni 2006.


Brussels, 30 June 2006

EPSO launches competitions for Bulgarian

and Romanian administrators and assistants

The next enlargement of the European Union will see Bulgaria and Romania become Member States. The European Union will expand to include 30 million new citizens from these two countries, speaking two new official languages. In light of this development, the Institutions of the European Union are in need of additional staff from the future Member States to deal with new tasks and to provide new language competence.

A series of competitions for the selection of officials within the framework of enlargement was published by the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) on 21st June, 2006 to select Administrators (AD5) and Assistants (AST1) for recruitment to the institutions to meet this new competence.

Notice of these competitions has been published in the Official Journal, C 145 A of 21st June, 2006. Closing date for on-line registration is 20th July, 2006. These competitions have already been announced in the Bulgarian and Romanian national press.

The purpose of these competitions is to create a reserve pool from which to recruit Administrators (AD5) in the fields of European Public Administration, Law, Economics and Audit and Secretaries (AST1) and the competitions are targeted at candidates meeting the educational and other requirements which together with all details regarding the procedures, admission criteria, etc., are laid down in the notices of competition.

All relevant information can be found on EPSO's web-site http://europa.eu./epso.